Best Valued Multimeter?

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New Member
Hey everyone,

I'm looking for a decent multimeter for working with electronics. If it was capable of reading high voltages like 600V that would be a huge plus but I wouldn't want to sacrifice accuracy or resolution on the low voltage readings. True RMS is what I want to go with too.

There are so many meters out there on the market I'd love to hear some suggestions as to what would be the best meter for my buck. Or even some quality brands to look at. I'm usually told fluke is the best but I wonder if there are some other brands out there where I'm not paying a premium for the name.

Thanks in advance.
I recently purchased an Agilent meter from someone here on the forums. I'm quite happy with it... well except that I changed the thermocouple type on it from K to J and it won't change back to K. Not too big of a deal though because all I have are J type anyways. Agilent are at least as good as Fluke in my experience. Most of what I do is read voltage, current, and temperature. Nothing fancy.
If 200 bucks isn't outside your budget I'd recommend an EXtech Multimaster 560. Accurate, true RMS, lotsa digits, measures caps and frequency too. I got one about a year ago and have been quite satisfied with it.
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