Nothing much to say, besides it would be better if i get something set up and answer some of those questions above. I dont have a schematic just a vague description, but i have a good idea what was intended. I have also had a email back from the guy who built the first one and wrote part of the paper. I dont think copying what he did is much of an option, they cant get parts like we can, so maybe if i try and sort out what was intended and take it from there.
The main problem i have is it needs altering as it dosnt work properly as it is currently, i also have to keep in mind he is going to try and copy the modified version. I am not sure where to start with this!! My 12V supply is a decent HP power supply with good regulation and current sensing etc, they have a computer power supply. I should probaly copy that other wise they wont stand a chance of redoing it.
On the 0.8V rail how much current am i likely to be able to get? What we are after ideally is a fairly strong alternating field, i wont know how strong until i try it and see what it takes to line the cells up or disrupt the membrane. Only thing i can think of is to use a microscopy dye and watch for it to migrate into the cell (or not!).
Opamp choice wont be large, but i do know they have some scrap equipment that might have some parts they can use. I better not mention where they are, but its a miracle they got anything to work with.
Give me a few hours and i will be back with as many answers as i can get. If it makes sense i think the positive and negative cycle are meant to be different amplitudes, its hard to tell as the paper dosnt translate that well.
The idea of a virtual ground was to do away with a dual psu, all they have is a old 150W computer power supply thats pretty old. How much would it help if i could drop the current requirement? This might be an option if i use a smaller diameter tube.