Big and small - Old and new

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I bought the small one some 33 years ago. A true Casio Micromini. It has no memory.

The bigger one, I bought it, two weeks ago. No memory either. It just makes a good piece of conversation...and simple calulations


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That small one is for people in their twenties with 20/20 vision. The big one is for old fogie Engineers who can't read the buttons or the display anymore.

Luckily, I fall into the former category

I bought the big one, < 7USD, at a corner, waiting for a green traffic light.

People there, sell incredibly funny, stupid, cheap junk like that which is bought by people (idiots?) like me. In fact, never did before except with (very good) metric tapes, which I use (and destroy) quite often in my job as a Marine Surveyor.

From a practical point of view I am more concerned with the size because your fingers can push two keys at a time or simply the wrong one.

I use, when programming micros, a scientific CASIO. Quite too often I have to clear the entry because of that.

For long numbers in hexadecimal (I just finished testing a binary division routine 32 16 for PICs) found quite useful the calculator coming with Windows but being stuck to the screen is not mi idea of comfortable.
atferrari said:
For long numbers in hexadecimal (I just finished testing a binary division routine 32 16 for PICs) found quite useful the calculator coming with Windows but being stuck to the screen is not mi idea of comfortable.

I find the Windows calculator good for that too. My CASIO, which is quite a modern calculator, only allows you to work on 9-bit binary numbers. But the Windows calculator works up higher than that.

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