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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

big boo boo on PCboards traces between smd pads

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Well-Known Member
When I laid out my circuit board using surface mount components I missed several resistors with traces under the resistor.
I should have caught the mistake-darn it
trying to come up with a solution to prevent the races from shorting out and figuring I can't be the only one to have made this mistake.
Thinking of applying some paint between the solder pads or??
Yes, these are JLCPCB boards.
Before I went any further I tested the code again and found an issue. Corrected. I am still working on code but different issues.
What problems are you having with the code?
I didn't really test it so there could well be issues with it, but I'd like to know what they are so I don't make that mistake again.
Yes, these are JLCPCB boards.

You would really have to work to get boards without soldermask. Soldermask is the green/red/blue/etc. layer on the boards.

But I have to wonder how you mistakenly routed traces between resistor pads too.
it was testing some new boards and discovered the trace under the resistor. It apparently was not the issue.
edited my code and after testing the portb pullups, leds and matrix I now have a working code that performs better than expected.
I was using the wrong ports for the matrix (had wrong order portC instead of portD
I realize the trace under the components wasn't the issue in this case, but it is still bad practice. I personally avoid routing between SMD resistor pads (especially on smaller packages) because it is very easy for soldermask to scrape off slightly and make contact with conductive parts of the component. The only time I route under passives is if they are in a very large package and I am sure there is nothing conductive on the part. Even then, though, I use it as a last resort and prefer to route around the part instead.
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