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New Member
Hello everyone,
I have a little issue here. I know it's not really hard but it has been a moment since I've worked with circuits like this and transistors, so I can't figure out this circuit...
The question is: In DC analysis, calculate the bipolar transistor's voltages Vb, Ve, Vc. Deduce the bias point (Vce, Ic).
Please, please, help me. It's urgent.


  • Screenshot_20190129-215051.png
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OK, a few hints for you.

1 Assuming the transistor is silicon (not germanium), the base will be approximately 0.6v more positive than the emitter
2 Assuming the transistor has high gain, the base current will be very low and can be neglected.
3 Calculate the base voltage. Two resistors, voltage divider + Hint 2.
4 Calculate the emitter voltage (Hint 1).
5 Calculate the emitter current required to give the emitter voltage.
6 Now you know the collector current (Hint 2), you can calculate the collector voltage.

Does that help?


(Maybe this thread should be in the Homework Help section?)
Thank you JimB for your answer.
"Maybe this thread should be in the Homework Help section?" I didn't see that section but you're probably right.
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