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Blood pressure update.

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70 to 90 bpm is pretty high for a resting heart rate, like my little dog.
I was an athlete when I was a teenager and in my early 20's but have been a (slim) couch potato ever since. My resting heart rate was about 65 bpm recently and now with the Metoprolol pills (they slow down the hearbeats but make each beat much stronger) it is 50 to 60 bpm.

My heart rate is pretty high :D

In the Cardio excercise healthclub at the hospital I got my heartrate up to about 180 running on the treadmill and the pretty nurse told me to "cool it". But I felt fine. During the final "stress test" at the hospital I sustained a heartrate of 180 for a long time before I ran out of breath blowing into the breathing tube. Otherwize I felt fine.

You're not supposed to exceed your 'maximum' heart rate - which is 220 minus your age. For training purposes you're supposed to get to about 80-85% of that maximum figure, and keep it there for an hour of training. This does the maximum good for your cardio-vascular system, and burns off most fat.

When I used to go to the gym, I used to do 5 minutes on each machine, the first four minutes on the treadmill I ran at a reasonable steady pace, then for the last minute ran the machine flat out - I didn't 'sweat' - I 'splashed' :p and my heart rate would peak above 220.

EDIT: Neil who used to work with me was a VERY fit young man, he did body building and fitness training - his heart beat was incredibly low. He was in Hospital (for an inflammed testicle!) and they wouldn't let him out - when he asked why, he was told there was something wrong with his heartrate, as it was abnormally low :D he was just super fit.
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Ag, what dosage of Metoprolol do you take? They have me on 50 MG twice a day and 10 Mg of lisinopril once a day and my average rate is still 68 resting and 135/80 average BP . Problem is when I go to dialysis the pressure seems to fall too low during that treatment, so I gotta walk a pretty fine line. And the same goes for you too, you arent allowed to get sick and leave me to learn all of this on my own.. Without you two I would still be one lost puppy, not that I know much now but it is better with ya than it would be without ya. Thanks.
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Ag, what dosage of Metoprolol do you take? They have me on 50 MG twice a day and 10 Mg of lisinopril once a day and my average rate is still 68 resting and 135/80 average BP . Problem is when I go to dialysis the pressure seems to fall too low during that treatment, so I gotta walk a pretty fine line.

Sorry to hear that Bob, that's bad news - you've got troubles both ways.
Yup, my BP was in the stratosphere for apparently a really long time so this is good to them, but it is still a little high though. When I get back from Dialysis my press is good for about 10 hours and starts to creap back up. Sad part is I raced Motocross for years an was in great shape till I got older and more sedentary and this stuff all happened silently in the background. When it hit though, it was a ton of bricks all at once. Sure says a lot for going to the doc for regular visits and all of that stuff doesnt it. So I just play the cards I got dealt and do the best I can with what I got left now. I gotta say going back and relearning all of the electronics stuff is a great hobby for me, and it keeps me occupied readin and studyin for hours at a time.
Ag, what dosage of Metoprolol do you take? They have me on 50 MG twice a day
Me too, but I almost always forget to take the second dose each day.

Problem is when I go to dialysis the pressure seems to fall too low during that treatment, so I gotta walk a pretty fine line.
I am sorry to hear that you still have a serious medical problem.

I also had an inflammed testicle a few times. The last time the doctor sent me to have an ultrasound test. The pretty young technician woman was very embarassed to see me "aroused" and asked me to cover it. But it is normally aroused by a pretty young woman.
AG, a word to the wise. Try to remember to take the metoprolol beacuse if you with hold it it is bad. They told me to hold the dose before I came to dialysis and the cardio doc freaked, said doing that could actually cause a heart attack, so get a reminder set up to help you remember like I did. It's one of those drugs you dont stop cold, you gotta taper off wen you change dosage or pills.
Nigel, and AG, just got back from nephro and they doubled the Lisinopril to 20MG. Guess my concern was well founded. Explained what I was seeing and she didnt even slow down, whipped out the script pad and got down to it. So pay attention, it won't be any fun being dead.
I tried a drug which I like for BP because mt BP tracks the weather. Yea tracks the weather. I get headaches with sudden changes in barometric pressure. Spcificly when the magnatude of the second derivative of BP vs time > 0.040 in/hr^2. Lisinopril move the BP reguardless of the weather changes Benicar, however, doesn't have that problem.
OOps, I forgot to take my BP and other pills for a couple of days but I feel fine.
Tomorrow morning I see my eye surgeon for another cataracts 20 seconds follow-up but I with thank him and say goodbye.
The initial average is pretty misleading - at the doctors my BP was 230 over something like 180 :D
Nigel, you were fortunate to catch this when you did. In my EMT class we were taught that a systolic of 230 is an medical emergency. If I were called on scene to your house, I would of packaged you up in the back of my Ambulance and off to the ER.
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OUCH - perhaps I'm lucky, I've never had wisdom teeth.
Every human is born with the coded instructions to eventually grow them. Often they end up getting removed during one's youth for one reason or another by a dentist. Are you saying your wisdom teeth never developed? All four of them?
Every human is born with the coded instructions to eventually grow them. Often they end up getting removed during one's youth for one reason or another by a dentist. Are you saying your wisdom teeth never developed? All four of them?

As my daughter (who's 20) has been teething with them for about 7 years now, I did ask my dentist about them - who said I didn't have any?. Perhaps I'm a late developer? :D

I would have expected her to know, from my records at least, even though she's not been my dentist long - and in fact won't be there in just over a weeks time when I go next. She explained she wouldn't be there at my previous visit, and that her husband would be seeing me - I asked why? - she just looked down. So I looked as well - what's that strange bump? - I hadn't noticed with my pre-operation eyesight :p
Last time I rode in the hurt wagon they were freaking with a 190/85, they hammered down the whole 23 mile trip to the ER. Said they were concerned I might lock up with press that high, so yeah 230 would be a big deal. AG dont make me skold you like a child, I really need you and nigel to guide me, so take them pills like your supposed to, OK. I do and I hate it, but being dead is kinda no fun from what the mortuary guys tell me.
The previous time I visited my doctor my BP was pretty high. Because I forgot to take my pills.
But recently the last time I took my pills before going and my BP was nice and low like a fit 25 years old dude (40 years younger).

My heart rate-reducing pill scares me a little. It makes my heart beat very strongly but slowly that I can feel. Ka-boom ..... ka-boom ..... ka-boom .....
Then I feel very virile. My wife likes ..... never mind.
The boom boom boom is definately a little unerving till you get used to it. Momma does enjoy the addedjuice though. Just try to remember to take them the same time every day because they are a 24 hour dose on most and once you get the right amount in you system the other effects seem to level out and it isnt so unerving anymore. The "other" side effects dont seem to go away so momma has a reason to stay happy. Lisinopril is pretty sedate but the Metoprolol does make the boom boom boom more noticable in the beginning. Just try to remeber to take em, cause I need you really smart guys to keep me pointed in the right direction when I am messing about with all of this new to me stuff. And watch them infections, I lost an aorta and 2 kidneys to all of this along with the high BP, it can mess you up forever if you dont keep an eye on what goes on. In addition to all of the BP stuff I have to take 1000 MG a day of antibiotics for life to control the infection I caught in Iraq. So thats the reason I am on the soap box, ...or you can end up jacked up forever like me. Trust me it aint no fun...
The previous time I visited my doctor my BP was pretty high.
I'd think this is because of pretty young nurses in the hospital. You've to control yourself.

I feel little attacks while seeing extra beautiful, young, pretty, naughty girls from US, Canada, France, Britain..

You guyz are lucky:D
I wore a portable ECG recorder for 2 days. A very pretty young nurse attached it to my chest but first she shaved my chest. My heart was having a fit!
I needed to write down the activities I did so the doctor could see what increased my heart rate. I wrote down when I was running with my dog, when I saw a pretty young lady and when I ...... my wife.
I wore a portable ECG recorder for 2 days. A very pretty young nurse attached it to my chest but first she shaved my chest. My heart was having a fit!
I needed to write down the activities I did so the doctor could see what increased my heart rate. I wrote down when I was running with my dog, when I saw a pretty young lady and when I ...... my wife.
Yeah, but your heart rate only went up for what 15 seconds when you were...the wife, no danger there right... Hee Hee sorry AG, couldnt help myself. Just got back from yet another follow up, only the fifth this week and my pressure was 157/75 the top is a little higher than my new norm and the bottom was a little up too. But if I can make it through the three appointments next week the rest of the month is good. If the follow ups dont kill me I might just make it after all. Have fun and Happy Holidays to you guys.
Yeah, but your heart rate only went up for what 15 seconds when you were...the wife, no danger there right... Hee Hee sorry AG, couldnt help myself. Just got back from yet another follow up, only the fifth this week and my pressure was 157/75 the top is a little higher than my new norm and the bottom was a little up too. But if I can make it through the three appointments next week the rest of the month is good. If the follow ups dont kill me I might just make it after all. Have fun and Happy Holidays to you guys.
Not to worry you or anything, but...
Actually what concerns me is that your diastolic seems low relative to your systolic. You have what would be considered a high or wide pulse pressure. Pulse pressure is computed by systolic minus diastolic. A normal range is around 40 mmHg. Your at ~ 80 mmHg. Since you were at the doctors I am sure he is aware of it and must be doing the right thing. Hope things get better for you...
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