Bluetooth outgoing caller id needed

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New Member
I am working on a project where the device will display the phone number you are dialing as you dial it via bluetooth. I can purchase an incoming caller id, but want one that displays the phone number of the outgoing call. I want to use the existing cell phone microphone and speaker for the conversation, aka, no bluetooth headset device; just bluetooth capturing of the phone number dialed.

I am well versed in microcontrollers, pic chips, etc... but am a total novice at bluetooth. If I can get assistance with bluetooth part, I can take the outbound serial data and format it into a display. The hope is a dashboard display so you can dial your cell phone without taking you eyes off the road.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated including project boards to purchase, code examples, and anything else to help me figure out how to capture the outgoing phone number from a cell phone via bluetooth and convert it into serial or audible data. Serial would be preferred, but I can convert audio data via DTMF code.
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