Did anyone attempt this sensor module before? The interface is I2C. I have 2 of this module at home now, purchased from different eBay sellers, and have tried both. Unfortunately, none seems to give me valid measurements.
The problem seems to be in the calibration data AC4/AC5/AC6. The values are listed below.
For first sensor
ac1 -118
ac2 -986
ac3 -14302
ac4 65528
ac5 65473
ac6 65453
b1 5498
b2 50
mb -32768
mc -67
md -128
For second sensor
ac1 -71
ac2 -50
ac3 -14528
ac4 65446
ac5 65488
ac6 16146
b1 5498
b2 56
mb -32768
mc -67
md -128
Although some of these values are similar or the same as the datasheet, values for AC4, AC5 and AC6 seems too big. The uncalibrated temperature (UT) value is 25180 for sensor 1, from which the temperate is calculated to be -50 deg C, which is incorrect.
I am using bit-bang I2C on a PIC24F.
Any ideas why, or do I simply have faulty sensors?
Hope somebody will reply me, my previous thread on interfacing CSTN LCD goes unanswered
Did anyone attempt this sensor module before? The interface is I2C. I have 2 of this module at home now, purchased from different eBay sellers, and have tried both. Unfortunately, none seems to give me valid measurements.
The problem seems to be in the calibration data AC4/AC5/AC6. The values are listed below.
For first sensor
ac1 -118
ac2 -986
ac3 -14302
ac4 65528
ac5 65473
ac6 65453
b1 5498
b2 50
mb -32768
mc -67
md -128
For second sensor
ac1 -71
ac2 -50
ac3 -14528
ac4 65446
ac5 65488
ac6 16146
b1 5498
b2 56
mb -32768
mc -67
md -128
Although some of these values are similar or the same as the datasheet, values for AC4, AC5 and AC6 seems too big. The uncalibrated temperature (UT) value is 25180 for sensor 1, from which the temperate is calculated to be -50 deg C, which is incorrect.
I am using bit-bang I2C on a PIC24F.
Any ideas why, or do I simply have faulty sensors?
Hope somebody will reply me, my previous thread on interfacing CSTN LCD goes unanswered