Boat motor control

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New Member
Hi I am trying to make an electric gear shift for a Boat.
The system is 12v DC and I am using a car wind screen motor to pull/push the gear leaver. As I am at the front of the boat and the gear shift is at the back I need to be able to control the motor by the push of a button 1 for Forward 1 for Revers and 1 for neutral.
I have managed to make the motor go to reverse and forward but what I can`t manage is to make the leaver stop automaticly at neutral going in either direction.
ie: With gear shift in neatral Push forward button motor goes forward

Push reverse button motor goes into reverse

Push neutral button motor goes to neutral from
either direction.
To make the motor reverse I have reversed the polarity via a relay.

An easy way would be to use limit switches, one at each end (so you can't move it too far) and one in the neutral position - so when the lever is in the neutral position it disconnects power to the motor. Obviously, you need some way of reconnecting the power for moving out of neutral, so I would suggest seperate buttons for forward, reverse, and neutral.
staticpony, I am curious about the practical aspect of this project.
A boat motor, going forward or reverse at only one fixed speed does not sound very useful on the water. How do you allow for speed control?
What craft is this control used for?
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