Boat rental project, needs help

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New Member

Im tarying to make a new project that can do these things.

I just posted every thing so its easy to understand what I exactly want to do..

And I need your help, how to start with what?

And if any one can guide me through this, it would be GREAT.

do not know if there any rules about posting sites inside the forum or....

Boat rental project
The company "Sømosen bådudlejning" wants to establish a more efficient administration
of their boats. The plan is that each boat should have an RFID chip or card attached. A
scanner on the pier identifies each boat that is coming or leaving. A computer calculates
the price of the boat rental according to the duration of the trip and the type of boat, and
bills the customer. The manager wants to be able to see on his mobile phone which boats
are home and how long time each customer has been sailing. It should also be possible to
print out a log showing the time and duration of all sailing trips for a certain time period.
Technical details
The RFID reader terminal should be built with an RFID card reader, a microcontroller
board with an ATMega 32 microcontroller, and a Veroboard with LCD display, pushbuttons
and possibly other components at your choice. The RFID reader terminal must have an
interactive user interface. The terminal is connected to a server PC through a USB cable.
The central administration interface is implemented in Java on the server PC in connection
with an SQL database. A smartphone application based on Android is communicating with
the server PC via Bluetooth.
Project planning
The project is made in groups of 2 - 4 students. The project work should include the
following tasks:

1. Design your boat rental system. You have to decide how the system should work,
including the following questions, decisions and tasks:

a. How to identify each customer, e.g. with an ID card or a PIN code.

b. How to bill the customer.

c. What information to store for each boat, each customer, and each trip.

d. Whether this information is stored on the chip of the boat, on the customer's
ID card, or in the database on the server.

e. The structure of the database.

f. What functionality is needed on the central administration interface?

g. What functionality is needed on the smartphone?

h. What information needs to be transmitted from the RFID reader to the
database, and how (communication protocol).

i. What information needs to be transmitted from the database to the
smartphone, and how (communication protocol).

j. What information to show on the display at the RFID reader terminal.

k. How many pushbuttons or keys you need at the RFID reader terminal.

l. What the RFID reader terminal should do if the connection to the database is

m. What the system should do if a boat does not return on time.

n. A test feature that shows the contents of the card on the LCD display.

2. Make a drawing and/or description of your system and make a requirements
specification. The requirements specification must be approved by your

3. Make a risk analysis, i.e. a list of things that could possibly go wrong in your project.
Make a project plan or time schedule based on your risk analysis so that the worst
risks are eliminated first. In other words, make the most important things work first,
and do the features that are just "nice to have" later. Make regular group meetings
where you decide who is responsible for each task (action item list).

4. Build everything.

5. Test everything.

6. Write a report that documents all of the above points.

Thanks to all of you
Project planning
The project is made in groups of 2 - 4 students. The project work should include the
following tasks:
So, you want someone to do your college project for you?

This is my solution for "m" of the to-do-list:

There are several possibilities:

a) The customer has abandoned the boat without payment parking it somewhere or let it float into the open sea.

b) The customer got surprised by stormy weather, was washed over board and drowned

c) The customer got hijacked and somebody else is now using the boat.

Solution for all cases: Activate the wireless detonator circuit to blow up the boat. (Nobody will get hurt except for the robbers (no pity) since it has already happened).

I bet Bill Gates' software developers will enjoy participating in that project making an extra friendly offer of €500,000 with a delivery time of nine months.

Last not least, that can't be your plan. So you better stick your nose in the books and find your way.

It does neither look like a task for students nor one for grown engineers. What a laugh (groups of 2 to 4 students). You just forgot to mention how many groups are involved.

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