If you are making this kind of plots then look at this graph paper.
I made several kinds of these but this one is best overall. Print the PDF.
A 1K resistor is a line from left to right through the center of the paper.
A 0.1uf cap is a line from top left to a point at the bottom in the center. "\"
Inductors are lines "/".
Draw a line for every L, C and R in your circuit.
For a 1k resistor and 0.1uf cap low pass filter; draw the lines for the two parts.
At low frequencies (at the left side) the capacitor has no effect so start with the 1k ohm line. Follow along that line until it hits the 0.1uF line then follow along the capacitor line.
Hi Ron,
Your graph there looks quite interesting, so perhaps you can show us an example of using your graph with say two low pass filters connected one after the other so the second one filters the output of the first one (i believe this is called cascade?).