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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

bomb detector circuit

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New Member

hi all,
i m going to make an bomb detector different from other.but i have some problem to make simple circuit for bomb detector.
So,please any one help me...
Thanx for read this carefully...
Sorry for disturbing you.....
The complexity of making a bomb detector is not in the electronics, it is the chemistry (the ionizing sensors that react to specific types of chemicals).
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Maybe make a bomb detonation circuit detector? But what would be in that, which would be unique to bombs?
Most efficient bomb detector I know of is The News. A bomb goes off somewhere... and then it's all over the news (while more deaths due to starvation and road traffic accidents go unreported). Sorry to be so insensitive.

I would imagine a bomb sensor electrochemical cell, or whatever technology it is, would be so expensive in price, that it would already come with a detailed application note showing recommended interface circuits.
Get a dog.
Bomb Detector

"i m going to make an bomb detector different from other.but i have some problem to make simple circuit for bomb detector.
So,please any one help me...":confused::rolleyes:
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What good is a bomb detector, if you have to be standing right next to the suicide bomber? He'd probably push the button the second you ran or dived for cover...
Perhaps a bum detector might be more practical.

I could have used a bum detector about a month ago. There is a walkway between my backyard fence, and the neighbor's fence, and someone had cut some palm leaves an made a bed there. I cleaned up the mess, but it returned the next day. This time I walked around my yard, cleaned up as much of what my dog left, dumping it over the fence onto the bum-bed. Nasty ******* just put a fresh layer of leaves over it. Fortunately, it was the weekend, so left the backdoor open for the dog, which started raising hell at 1:30 AM. Guess he doesn't like bums either. Cleaned out the walkway the next day, and has stayed that way since. And no, I didn't let the dog out of the yard, but he could probably bust through the fence...
someone had cut some palm leaves an made a bed there.

I used to have a huge citroen car, it was like a living room on wheels, seats were more comfortable than in my lounge. I never locked it the whole 8 years I had it. It was after a few days commuting to work, one morning I'd noticed there was a tatty blanket on the back seat. I know I never put it there. I've been homeless myself, so I left the car unlocked. Later that week the blanket was gone.

PS I couldn't of locked it if I wanted to, the door key never worked.
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Forgot to add something to keep the thread on track...

Bomb detection isn't a simple, normal, or hobby type project. I'm sure there are plenty of people here willing to work out a few details, regarding sensors, amplifiers, power supplies and so forth, but wouldn't expect anyone to design something completely for you.

You haven't given any indication of your experience with electronics, what hardware and tools you have available, budget limits, or what school course you are building this for. Difficult to take your request seriously, if you don't get things started yourself. You obviously won't find many details on the web, since it's going to take somebody a lot of time and money to develop something useful, and they would hope to profit a little from their labor, before their design gets ripped off, or the bombers figure out how to avoid its detectors...

This really more of a government funded sort of project, where you can get unlimited resources, unlimited time to develop it, and probably not have to show much progress to keep the money flowing into the project...
How about a simple microphone and some simple electronics to detect the loud noise make by the bomb when it explodes? Or did you wish to be able to detect the bomb before it explodes? That might take a more complex solution ;)

I have a brother that make homemade fireworks And I cant see how you would even accurately detect the material that could go into a homemade bomb. Everything my brother uses are off the shelf fully legal materials and components to by. A bomb large enough to kill every one inside a large bus or small public place is only the size a of a soda can. And in fact could be placed inside a soda can!
Once put in a sealed container that has been washed properly there would be no external residue that would not appear to be anything more than what anyone that has done laundry or washed dishes or had worked in their garage would normally have present on them in a typical day.

As far as detecting the triggering device anyone with basic electronics knowledge can easily tap into a standard cell phone and have a fully remote detonation system that can be triggered days after the bomb has been placed and from anywhere in the world there is a telephone.
Surely, the effort would be better spent finding and dealing with what causes people to want to build a bomb? Rather than to make bombmakers cleverer at concealing their bombs. Often you'll find that these people are just pawns who are being manipulated, often part of a mind-control cult who are led to beleive they are doing it for 'a higher purpose'. They are often cut off from society, believing they are the only ones right, no one believes them, so they take drastic measures to make their point (which isn't their's to make, since they believe they are doing the will of god, or for an alien hiding behind the moon or something)
the effort would be better spent finding and dealing with what causes people to want to build a bomb?

Dont be rationalizing things so much.
This just makes too much sense to even be possible to work in todays society. It would mean people would have to be responsible for monitoring the negative actions of other people and thus actually have to interact and possibly do something when they find out someone is planning to do something bad.:eek::(

They are often cut off from society, believing they are the only ones right, no one believes them, so they take drastic measures to make their point

OH NO! I think they maybe regular members on this forum!:eek::D
people would have to be responsible for monitoring the negative actions of other people and thus actually have to interact and possibly do something when they find out someone is planning to do something bad

That's what our close freinds are for :)

Maybe we should befriend would-be bomb-makers, towards the direction of mutual understanding. Make them feel less like outsiders in our society, our society they are conditioned to fear and have hatred for.

Meanwhile, the secret service still monitors all internet traffic, looking out for context-sensitive keywords, attempting to detect precursors that precede bomb-making activity.
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