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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Boy arrested for making digital clock.

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But don't you feel safer now? :D

Almost as good as taking your shoes off at the airport. :nailbiting:
If I took my shoes off at the airport or indeed, anywhere else ... that would evacuate the building for sure ... .. Pure Methane !! :D

One other point ... do you think TSA will allow that clock past their airport checkpoint?

This whole BS incident is a Catch 22. Imagine what the uproar would have been against the administration for not taking action? They would be accused of not protecting the children when they had a suspicious device. Catch 22. Of course, the infamous "informed" teacher would be conspicuously absent.

If I took my shoes off at the airport or indeed, anywhere else ... that would evacuate the building for sure ... .. Pure Methane !! :D

Yep. And 90 year old women were subjected to searches just because they didn't want to be accused of profiling.

Everytime you take your shoes off at the airport you can be thankful he wasn't the underwear bomber. :)
Once upon a time at an airport far way, I became aware of a peculiar odour.
Phew, wifferama! Where the hell is that coming from?
The guy sat next to me in the lounge had taken his shoes off.
I would have got up and walked away, but it was the only free seat in the place...
... I wonder why.

As for "The Clock", at first sight there appears to be some kind of travesty going on here.

But with a bit more thinking about, it does just not add up and make sense.
I do not think that we have the WHOLE story, there is something we are missing, something stinks as bad as the previously mentioned feet.

Witch hunts dont need the whole story.

Burn the witches. Screw the seventh amendment and due process. We got people to terminate and governments to sue.
I think the boy has been clever, he is clearly bright (like me :D ), so he makes a clock in a case and takes it to school. Personally I am willing to bet he intended it to look a bit dodgy, if you want to impress your teacher you would want a case that showed the face off etc no hide it away in a suitcase.
I think he was on a bit of a wind up or maybe even smart enough to know causing some agro would do him some good in the long run. I reckon he was out to make trouble. sorry if that offends anyone but lets face it no one of his ethnic background isnt aware of how sensitive people are to what they do etc. There is a program on in the uk at the moment, fugitive (or something like that), two guys who are Asian made the point that would draw attention for Asian and carrying rucksacks. The idea of the program is to hide from some pros who have to track you down.
There was a scene when one the chasers showed a pic of the guys in a pub while looking for them, the bloke he was talking too asked if they were being hunted for being Isis, so it isnt like Asians dont know they have to be careful with how they present. A Brazilian had his brains blown out on the underground a few back because he ran from the police with a rucksack on, that was just after the train bombings. Like it or not the fact is people are alert to possible attacks, I think it better one 14 year old is put in cuffs than 20 people dead because the police are too scared to act, in yorkshire a pedo group of Asians got away with it for years because the police didnt want to cause an incident with the community.
Just my view
Sadly we live in a society that is subject to terrorist acts.
The word terrorist means that the purpose of these acts is to instil terror into our daily lives and have us become conditioned to be suspicious of anything that 'could' be terrorist linked and so we are forced to react in a protective way 'just in case'.

Happily the pupil at that school had no hostile intent.

If you take the time to browse thru some of the articles in this link, it shows that is not always the case.

Sadly we live in a society that is subject to terrorist acts.
The word terrorist means that the purpose of these acts is to instil terror into our daily lives and have us become conditioned to be suspicious of anything that 'could' be terrorist linked and so we are forced to react in a protective way 'just in case'.

Happily the pupil at that school had no hostile intent.

If you take the time to browse thru some of the articles in this link, it shows that is not always the case.


In typical American fashion we jump into problems head first and let the chips fall where they may. I've made a personal promise to myself and family not to let the terrorist win by compromising what we do, where we go and to not let others impose their own personal fears on us. 'just in case' is the road to Hell on the highway of life. Be careful but don't be afraid of terrorist because the real odds on you being involved in a terrorist act is very remote. That's the truth that doesn't sell soap or keep politicians in office.
In 2007 New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said that people are more likely to be killed by lightning than terrorism. “You can’t sit there and worry about everything,” Bloomberg exclaimed. “Get a life. Actually, according to Mueller and Stewart, Americans’ annual risk of dying from lightning, at one in seven million is only half the risk from terrorism.
An unattended suitcase would be enough to cause alarm in some places. I carried a brief case when I was in school. I wonder if you can even have them today?
An unattended suitcase would be enough to cause alarm in some places. I carried a brief case when I was in school. I wonder if you can even have them today?

I still have my old school Samsonite briefcase. Because I was a nerd before the word existed it has an insert for a multimeter that I used at school and still has the old PSA tag from the last time I flew with it.


As you see can there are lots of things that can fit in one.

Now who wouldn't trust a nice young man like this with a briefcase filled with electronics?

PSA was a very nice airline to fly then.
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Darn. It looks like the 70's? Back when there were junkyards where you could actually look around and buy stuff before it turned scrap and the office walls had "explicit" calenders. I have a C02 cylinder that was bought at a junk yard that I use as an portable air tank. Who knows how I would dispose of it if I wanted too, now. My father bought a few lawn mowers at the junk yard too. Another find was a 4x20 awg /2 x 14 awg cord about 100 feet long. I still have that too. It's a bit heavy. and it was bought by the pound or the copper value. I think it was $8.00; 40+ years ago.
Sadly, the terrorists have won in many ways. If freedom and justice are things we value and fight for, we have lost much indeed. We look at anyone different from ourselves with suspicion. We've given up justice when a smart kid who wants to show off his creation is handcuffed and hauled away from school and suspended for 3 days and people dismiss it with a simple "you can't be too careful."

Xenophobia has taken the place of common sense. A kid with a clock is punished for making a "hoax" bomb. The purpose of a hoax bomb is to create fear. Did the kid call it a bomb? No, he called it a clock. Sure, a clock could look like a timer for a bomb. But if you're a smart enough kid to build a timer to make a hoax bomb, wouldn't you include something that looks like sticks of dynamite? Something that looks like a block of plastic explosives with some wires sticking out?

Maybe the teacher really did think it was a bomb. Shouldn't somebody with some rudimentary knowledge know an explosive device needs some explosives?. Wires, circuit boards, 7-segment displays and all the rest don't make a bomb without something that goes boom.
I'm waiting for the investigation to be finished before I comment again on this subject.

I'm hoping to hear more about the STEM teacher and their lack of persuading the school administration from executing the established protocols with respect to this "device". But right now, it's burn the witches.
I still have my old school Samsonite briefcase
hi nsaspook,
I have an identical case, they are built to last.

I agree with Joe, lets see the outcome.
The 'TRUTH' will never come out, ultimately you will never find out how much of this was planned prank or a bit of a stunt. Again the problem isnt he made a clock, the problem is he made a clock that to many would have looked anything but a clock.
If he was smart enough to make it then he was smart enough to know how it looked. You are mostly looking at it through old eyes and have in a time like my dad where terrorist were softer (IRA), I mean that in the sense they didnt think self destruction was a great idea. I was born 2000, I have been brought up in a time were terrorist think nothing of flying themselves into a building or strapping bombs to themselves. Yes the danger is over hyped but my is NO ONE my age wouldnt have known that he would get attention from building it that way, for people my age we would consider how it looks. The same way I know in certain places if I dress a certain way I will get stopped and searched (dark clothes and a hoody).
I carry a briefcase at school they have many advantages, I build electronic projects for school and carry them in a briefcase. What I wouldnt do is build something like a clock and use briefcase for the project box, I know that would be asking for trouble. I built a transistor tester in a flight case (thread on here), in the end it never went to school until I was asked to bring it in, i took the diagrams and project book first. My school was impressed and asked me to bring it in, I did it that way because I KNOW turning up with a box of electronics in a case is stupidity.
So once again I say he absolutely knew he would cause a poo storm by doing this. I know a funny story about stereotypes, not that long ago if you were Black and drove a certain kind and colour of BMW car the police would stop you and search the car. There was outrage about this and the police rarely stop black drivers in black BMW's with Blacked out window's, I dont take drugs but a one or two of my friends do. There are two main guys people buy drugs from in my school, one is in town on a Monday and one on a Friday. Both are Black and both drive Black BMW's with blacked out windows, they do this because they are aware that unless they drive in a stupid manner they wont get stopped because the police are frightened of upsetting the 'Your's Sincerely outraged of Scotland'.
Not every Black person in a black BMW is a drug dealer, but I can safely say in our area every black drug dealer drives a black BMW! Funny enough the white drug dealers drive there mums ford focus when carrying drugs and use there boy racer cars when they are not, please dont assume kids arnt aware of the world and dont know how to play the advantages. The boy racer drug dealers get stopped alot because of their cars so know to be squeaky clean when they drive them, but when selling drugs no one pays any attention to them driving 'mum's car':cool:. Man who would of thought people my age and a bit older would be THAT smart!! Judging by some the comments on here not many.:rolleyes:
The kid with the briefcase clock was the real life version of a :troll:. I know I wouldnt trust that young man in the passport picture!! Looks way too much like Will Smith when he started making films :D, I wouldnt trust any actor!!! How would you know if they wasnt acting lol
Just a note, he did not actually make the clock. He took an alarm clock apart and moved the innards to the case. My friend replicated this by taking his own alarm clock apart. Below are Ahmed's clock (left) and my friend's clock (right):

12046711_987447091276679_5491466989560781095_n.jpg 12033558_10207821859613757_1316865249_n.jpg

My friend doesn't know much about electronics at all.
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