Broken Disco Light Need Help

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New Member
i bought a disco light that spins around different colors and goes to the music and stuff and it was recently thrown at a party and now the lights come on but they don't spin or have any of the different lighting functions any idea what it could be


  • Photo on 2015-08-07 at 1.11 PM.jpg
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  • Photo on 2015-08-07 at 1.12 PM.jpg
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Welcome to ETO, zGATORz!

It's broken.

No, seriously, in all honesty, without a schematic or at least a block diagram, it would all be SWAGs.

Could you provide some identifying numbers (not component, but PCB?) Are there any obvious broken wires, connectors, etc.?

What level of troubleshooting acumen would you give yourself?
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