buck boost converter

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lol. i dont really know too. but if its not really possible what can i do right? im really grateful for this help.
electronic workbench
Some one here uses work bench. I do not. There must be 100s of IC in the program. I can not find on-line a list of components. I don't know how to help you with work bench.
i hope someone can help me
The information on Work Bench is very limited (on line) but it appears to have 1000s of IC parts.

I think you do not understand what the Professor wants. Please check.
I think he wants a buck/boost that will output a voltage below or above the input voltage. (42%) That is the definition of bock boost.
I think he does not want the output voltage to be a function of the input voltage.
It would be typical for a power supply to have a Vin of 9 to 60V while holding Vout at 20 volts. This is simple enough for a engineering student to make.
Here is an example of a IC + MOSFETs that will work up to 60V input. This example the output is 12V. It is not a function of the input voltage. It does not do 40% of the input. It just makes 12V. The output voltage is a function of 100k ohms and 9.09k ohms and Vref=1.0V.
This is from the data sheet on the LT8390.
Just a spammer, now banned.

I don't think you guys get thanked enough for what you do around here, so thanks Jim, Nigel, Ian, Matt, Inquisitive & the Admins, for keeping this site pretty much crud-free.

EDIT: How could I forget Matt? Sorry Matt.
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