
New Member
Hello Everyone, I want to make a Buck/Boost converter having a range of 50V-450V of Input and Output of 230V.
I want to ask that i have to use a dedicated IC or I should use a Microcontroller. Because I was going to make a Solar Inverter(1Kw,5Kw). I was going to use ESP 32 because it has many features and it is also cheap for me.
But i don't know much about the calculations.
I think you need a combination of voltage converter IC and Microcontroller. You need a dedicated Buck/Boost converter IC for the main power conversion stage and use the ESP32 for higher-level functions like MPPT, monitoring, and communication.
I think you need a combination of voltage converter IC and Microcontroller. You need a dedicated Buck/Boost converter IC for the main power conversion stage and use the ESP32 for higher-level functions like MPPT, monitoring, and communication.
Yes you are Right can you suggest me a IC that Could i use and is easy to use not much complex or tell me about that IC which has some detailed documentation.So that a beginner can also understand.
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