1 x PIC24F32KA304T-I/PTCT-ND (PIC24F32KA304T-I/PTCT-ND) = $4.55 1 x TQFP-44 to DIP-44 SMT Adapter (1.0 mm pitch, 14 x 14 mm body) (IPC0135) = $22.49 Assembly Pins and IC Assembled DIP Pin Type Machine Pins (0.45 mm round)
Sub-Total: $27.04
Shipping (FedEx Ground (3-6 days)): $8.00
Total: $35.04
Delivery Address
My House...In the middle of the street.
It'll take about 5 to 7 days to reach me. Maybe less. (fingers crossed)
Nothing I can do about it, so I'll concentrate on the remainder of the board design.
I started to look at this problem a few years ago. The dedicated chip was / is the greatest showstopper in building any keybed interface.
I didn't have a logic analyzer or a scope back then. So I purchased a Tektronix 2465B and a HP 1662C.
The HP1662C cost me $150 USD plus $30USD shipping. The 2465B was a little more than that.
I got it from ebay for $300USD. They said it didn't. I found a guy who refurbishes Tek scopes
out of California. He charged me a flat fee ($600USD) to refurbish and cal it.
Guaranteed for 6 months...At about 9 months, one of the chips started to act up.
He repaired it for free (Just the shipping)
So, on to the next hurdle...the power supply.
For now, I'm going to use a 9VDC wall wart. I'm running the DC through a bridge rectifier for two reasons:
1 ) If the polarity is reversed, the bridge will switch it to the correct polarity and nothing gets blown up.
2 ) The voltage dropped across the bridge should provide about 7.5V (roughly), which will go into a 7805.
That should keep it fairly cool. I have a LDO adjustable regulator (MIC2941A) which I'm going to set up for 3.3V.
I'm wondering if I can take the regulated 5V and run that into the MAX2941 for 3.3V.
After that...the MIDI I/O.
I was snooping around the web and I found a few MIDI interface schematics.
The MIDI receiver looks fine. It's the MIDI out that bugs me. Even if it is through a 220 ohm resistor, I just don't feel comfortable with driving
the MIDI out with the pin from a CPU directly. I just don't feel comfortable doing that.
I'm wondering if a CD4049 (or CD4050) would be a better way to drive the output port. If something happens to the MIDI cable on the MIDI output,
couldn't it short the output port of the CPU?
Maybe I'm paranoid...Maybe I know about Murphys' Law ("Nature always sides with the hidden flaw")
So the scan logic looks like it going to be 74AC573 x 3. I was going to use a 74AC138 to clock the lines, but the outputs are active-low.