Calc Max peak to peak output swing

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Attached is a bipolar op amp I designed, how do I calculate the max peak-to-peak output swing and the max input voltage that can be applied without any distortion.


  • Op Amp IQ_1mA Rev1.JPG
    104.8 KB · Views: 580
"without any distortion" makes it easy. There will always be distortion, so the answer for both questions is null.

If you set a reasonable limit on distortion, then simulation would help. That is, it would help if you had a readable schematic instead of that tiny fuzzy jpeg.
What part of the circuit would you like me to make clearer, when I open it, it looks clear. Did you double click on it? Good question on the level of distortion, I don't have figure. Is there a starting calculation that I can use that should get me close to some level of visual distortion?
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So you're looking for the clipping levels?

Begin with a DC analysis of the output stage with the condition that the output transistor is saturated, and then when it is cut off. Use the Thevenin equivalent of this stage to calculate the resulting voltage available at the load.

The single ended class A output does present a problem since it can source much more than it can sink.
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