I don't think you appreciate my calculations. One way is to determine the resistance from a resultant current when sourced by a given voltage. A second way is to determine the resistance from a resultant voltage when sourced by a given current. Both methods gave the same answer and comply with Thevenin's assertion that a circuit can be reduced to a voltage in series with a resistance, (685/24 ohms) in this case. That is about as Thevenin as you can get. I don't understand your reluctance to accept that.Hi Ratch, I greatly appreciate your input! However you use Kirchoff's laws resulting in 3 equations with 3 unknowns, which I understand. But here I specifically want to use equivalent voltage source and equivalent substitution resistance based on Thevenin theorema.
Both approaches have their merrit and should be able to be used?
What you have is a circuit for a Wheatstone bridge. You can collapse the resistors directly by using the delta to Y transformations. The final resistor value will be the Thevenin equivalent.