can anyone help with an automotive question?

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Dennis R

New Member
I need to find a way to use a (tach) pulsed signal and condition it into a stable 12v usable power source?!?!?!
What's the amplitude, peak to peak, of the signal? I am assuming you only need the 12V for some reference potential. It is unlikely you will be able to derive much power from it.

A couple of approaches to consider are a low-pass filter followed by a voltage control/multiplier or up the voltage to above 12V using a transformer or voltage multiplier, then rectify and filter. Do you want it referenced to the same ground as the tach signal or do you want it isolated?

What's the end result you're trying to acheive? 12V only when the engine is running to trigger something else (remote start cutoff or starter anti-grind circuit)?
What are you intending to power from the 'power source' ?? As jpanhalt says, you're unlikely to get much power from a tacho signal.
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