Can not make out capacitor type

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New Member
Hi All

New here, have been repairing lcd tv's for a couple of months as a hobby, my brothers Beko got hit with a surge and keeps blowing the t3 fuse board num xla194-03, the only thing i have found wrong are two capacitors that are not showing anything on the multimeter, problem is i can not make out what type they are. Any help identifying them would be much appreciate. Thank you in advance



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The one on the left has a 1K on it so I would guess a 1,000 pf ceramic cap.
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The one on the right is a 2200pF ceramic cap.
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Hi All

.... got hit with a surge and keeps blowing the t3 fuse ..... the only thing i have found wrong are two capacitors that are not showing anything on the multimeter, problem is i can not make out what type they are....Leo


What tests were done using the multimeter and what were the results?

Where are the 'capacitors' placed on the PCB? Good quality PCB pics help a lot around here. ;-)

If they are on the mains power side, they may be MOV's and not capacitors...

Someone else, more familiar with MOV markings and mains-powered devices, may be able to help if you can provide a little more info.
Thank you for the reply, i have attached a picture of the board below

This has been wrecking my head forever

Have been testing for resistance using the multimeter

Also it blew the fuse to pieces when i changed the original out

Thanks again


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Ah, OK, the silkscreen does indicate the locations as being caps, where RMMM offers possible substitutes.

The MOV in the pic, which normally takes the hit from a surge, looks to be vr2001 (the blue disk-like component below the fuse).
IIUC, the MOV should not show a resistance and this is possibly the reason for your fuse blowing.

Again, I hope someone more familiar with the operation and testing of MOV's can clarify.....
Then i will swap it out as well, might as well have to go get new caps anyway thank you for your help
The MOV should show INFINITE resistance. If you test it with a continuity test and it says it there is continuity... Thats bad.

They are rated for at least 200ish volts. If the 1 volt from the continuity test shows true, it NEEDS to go.
Hey, on continuity test its coming up @ 1.352, no buzz though on omhs test 0.46, is that bad?

Thanks again for help, want to try have this working for Christmas for him
One more q, attached is a pic of the back of the board, the two caps that seem to be broken seem to be connected to the earth in the corner, would that be been the problem? Thanks again


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The ones labeled ZD are Zener Diodes.

Look in google images to see if they look different that the same style that are new, or known good.

They look fine to me, but I cant see them that good.

When posting, get as close as you can, still in focus.

Outdoor shots with no flash give best results.

Also, when mentioning components, use the designator printed on the board.
I could be wrong and it could be a coincidence but looking at the picture in post #5 at the bottom towards the left the 2 resistors R2012 and R2012A look like they are fried.

Makes me wonder if fried resistors ever short out or just open?

In my experience the first two type of caps very rarely pop. do you measure any continuity (resistance)? The MOV definetely needs replacing.
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