I don't see a ground wire in those pictures. The wiring seems to be either quite old and if it did have a ground wire, it may have been cut off (illegally) at some point in time.
Making modifications, including putting in a dimmer, may require it to meet current electrical code. Without a ground wire, I don't see how you can install that dimmer. Remember, if you do wire it in and something happens and starts a fire, your insurance may not cover your house if it was caused by an electrical modification without a permit and inspection, sorry to say...
For the $75 to $150 it would cost to call in an electrician may be worth the expense, basically because you seem to have a electrical box that does not meet current codes (without that ground wire). Even if the electrician says it is ok, and installs it "somehow", you will be off the hook in terms of liability. PS: Some electrical permits in some provinces cost $75 or more, so an electrician may be worth the expense.
Electricians use 3 wire cable to carry power and a switching circuit all in the same cable, instead of running 2 cables (one for power, one for switched circuit). The black is the source, and the red is usually used to feed the switched power back to a light fixture. In the light fixture, the light it connected to the red and the white (neutral). The black is usually just pig tailed together with no connection to the fixture itself. Ground wires are all tied together in every box/junction as well.