Sorry, dunno. With no load I would expect the output to be close to the value you calculated. Maybe you've got a bad 1N5248B; you could try a different zener sim model.
Isn't a zener diode those little green tic tacs with two wires that I used to desolder out of old Western Electric Model 500 hand sets to use on my audio monstrosities to cut static?
Isn't a zener diode those little green tic tacs with two wires that I used to desolder out of old Western Electric Model 500 hand sets to use on my audio monstrosities to cut static?
Not specifically. One of those 'green tic tacs' may contain back-to-back zeners or parallel diodes (conducting in opposite directions) to reduce transients. Or it could just be a capacitor or a RC snubber.
Thanks,I tried with an 1N5253B (25V) and its clipped at 24.3V as espected. Really don't know what happened with the other diode. By the way it's Multisim what i'm using.
Anyway, I understood what colin55 was talking about and his point, and it is very useful. But as Brownout said, I think Airian wanted a conventional rectifier.