Cannot control IRF530's by Picaxe

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I cannot controll the 3 IRF530's on my second board. That runs 3 12v lights.
I am sending 12v into a board by a voltage regulator (7805) this is sending 5v's to the Picaxe board. I have picaxe outputs that connect to the lights on the second board. When I program the output to come on and off on the picaxe board nothing happens, the light always stay on they only go off when I switch the mains off. How can I control when the lights go on and off?

Thanks for the help.
A better NFET will help.


  • TurnOn.jpg
    161.5 KB · Views: 392
I have go it to work kind of. All lights can be turned off by the command high 5, high 6 and high 7. When this is typed all go off. But when one is removed so it leaves High 5 and High 6 still all stay off.. When i remove all code still the lights do not come on. Only when I take off the power and back on again all lights turn back on. Maybe I need some special code. And I shall try and dig a circuit diagram out..
The IRF530 Mosfet is guaranteed to turn on fully when its gate to source voltage is 10V. Some barely turn on with only 5V.
You need a "logic-level" Mosfet.

You have a PIC I/O register problem. The Pins used to control your lights have to be declared as outputs in a register called TRISx, as well as writing 0s and 1s to the specific port pins for PORTx.
So is it just as simply as changing the code I am using? because all 3 IRF 530's are getting so hot even on a heat sink and lifted off the board so it cannot be on for long.
The Pins used to control your lights have to be declared as outputs in a register called TRISx, as well as writing 0s and 1s to the specific port pins for PORTx.
Though we don't know what PICAXE thebullet is using, for the most part "High X" in BASIC (PICAXE's programming language) sets the pin as an output automatically.

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