Cap Type for 555 timer

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New Member
My circuit is a 555 monostable.
the cap values are 10nf (.01uf) of pin 5 to earth.
the other cap is 100nf (.1uf) from pin 6 to earth.

I've been using those yellow caps cause they look preaty and are easy to read their values.I think they are the polyester type.
Am I using the right type to give my good timing.

The reason I ask is beause I once built the circuit below with polarised and unpolarised caps. I noticed that different types of caps made a difference. The leds would fade before they flipfloped with unpolarosed caps.

So I just want to use the right type caps for my 555 timer project.


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Polyester caps are fine for timeing. Polarized (electrolytic) caps have high leakage causing the 555 not to work if the charging resistance is too high. Tantalum caps are polarized but are lower leakage than aluminium electrolytics.
cool Russlk, 8)
I 'll just keep using them then.
Thanking you.
thanks for the link too, Johnson
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