Capture the flag timer

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New Member
I'm trying to build a device that will keep track of the number of minutes a team can capture and hold the flag. We have two teams and one flag in the middle of the field. Each team is given 1 point per minute that they have possession of the flag in their base. I need an automatic way to keep track of how many points each team has earned. I started building 2 little PVC docks - one for each base. The concept is simple, when the flagpole is slid into the PVC pipe dock a switch closes a circuit that starts the timer. When the flag is removed (presumably stolen by the other team) the timer needs to stop.
My design so far: I bought a simple sports stopwatch and removed the START/STOP button. I soldered wires onto the remaining leads where the button once was. These wires lead to two metal contacts which sit opposite each other inside the pipe. The flagpole is wooden with one 1" area that is conductive metal. So as the flagpole slides into the pvc, the metal makes contact and closes the circuit triggering the stopwatch. When the pole is pulled out it closes the circuit again stopping the stopwatch.
This little setup works, but only 80% of the time. The other 20% of the time the metal contacts touch more than once and the stopwatch is started and stopped simultaneously which ruins my whole plan.
I’m writing on this forum because I need to figure out a fool proof way to make this work. I’m wondering if there is a kind of switch anyone knows of that could sit at the bottom of the pole which could both start the timer when its pressed down and then again when its released. That, or I'm willing to buy or make (with my very limited electronics knowledge) something that would make this work. Any ideas?? Thanks in advance!
Look up RC debouncing, you will only need a single resistor and capacitor.
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Look up RC debouncing, you will only need a single resistor and capacitor.

I looked up RC debouncing and that looks like EXACTLY what I need! Thanks for the quick response and input. I dont think I need more than a second or two after the switch is triggered to ensure that its only switched once. Afterall, the contact section of the flag pole in only an inch and I assume it will be slid into the PVC rather rapidly.

Forgive my followup question, but my background is not in electronics and I'm scratching my head trying to figure out exactly how to debounce this switch based on the schematics on all the webpages I was reading from. I'm not sure I understand which rating of capacitor and resistor to buy and where to put them in relationship to the switch and timer. What would you need to know in order to tell me which Capacitor and Resistor I should pickup?
Is it possible for you to put up pictures of your current set up so we can say "attach this here" kind of thing?

Here are a few pictures of what I have so far


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I would try about 1k ohm in series with one of the wires and about a 100 microfarad, 6V capacitor across the wires that go to the stop watch. The capacitor is polarized so measure the voltage at the stop watch contacts and connect accordingly.
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