It's all a bit strange in the Netherlands
Haha, yes it is ! They speak English quite okay, but also a bit of french or German.
There is this fun area near Germany, but still in Belgium, where they speak with some English-Belgium-German accent.
It's a reason for my love Languages, and thanks for the compliment
I've worked hard on my English.
Audioguru , where do you live exactly ? I would once in my life like to go to the Nunavut areas, is it somewhere by you ?
They have a beautiful language.
I think I have the necessary components to build all of my project don't I ? I'll start on a few drawings and come back to you.
three or for questions (for starters) :
- Why is there no eaerth/gnd connection on the transformers ? Only oine for N and L ;
-The fuse between one end of the 230V and the convert of such a small Amp ? Should it be a special fuse ? What is it for ?
- Should there be distance between the converters and the pre-amp/ amp ; Should there be distance between both converters ?