Car vacuum pump

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New Member
I am trying to fix a vacuum pump for my cars door locks. I am trying to map everything out on the very simple circuit board but the only thing I cant figure out is the one and only IC that is on it. I would like to find a datasheet for it. It seems to be a phillips chip by the logo on it, its labeled UAA1006. It has 18 pins.

I would really appreciate any help.
The chip may be custom or house marked. While many of us would love to help you, we probably can't, unless you reveal more information.

What is the year and model of the car? What continent/market was it built for?
Its for a Mercedes 190E 89', but many other early Mercedes use the exact same pump. Now that I think of it even newer years have it, like my 96 C-class.
I did find documentation on a UAA1001, but it was in German and I believe that chip had only 8 legs.

I wouldnt be suprised if it were custom made.
I guess if i cant figure it out I can just make a new board.

It is very simple. There is a +12v and GND supply. They 3 inputs, drivers door, passanger door and trunk. When the board is fed +12 on any of them the pump spins one way and GND it spins the other way.

There is already a limit switch in the housing also. With that once it reaches the "pressure" point it shorts the common wire with "#1" wire and when it reaches the vacuum point it shorts the common and the "#2" wire.

I can post a link to the schematic of the door lock system once I find it, but there is no info available for the actual pump controller.

edit: here is the link to the schematic of the door lock wiring:
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yes, there are 2 relays. But the documentation on that chip doesn't seem to match up with the board.
I have traced the board a little, pins 1-3 are the inputs from the doors. pins 8 and 9 are the limit wires and pins 10,6, and 17 are tired together from the common wire of the limit switch.
Here are some pictures of the board.


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