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New Member

My application is I have to generate alphabets sound using 24 keys (A…Z)
Whenever I press ‘A’ key the module should generate the ‘A’ character sound & “A for Apple” word sound
Whenever I press ‘B’ key the module should generate the ‘B’ character sound & ”B for Ball” word sound, like this up to Z
Please provide some information regarding the above application
Please suggest suitable ICs


hi chandu,

you need a sound recorder/playback ic, a microcontroller and keyboard interface.
you have to pre-record the sounds of alphabets and words u need on the recorder chip with pre-defined addresses. Whenever a key is pressed, read it wit the uc, get relevent address of the sound on the recorder ic from a look-up table and send command to the record/playback ic to play that piece of sound.

for record/playback ic, check out **broken link removed**. Somebody can suggest here some other alternatives, too.

24 keys can be interfaced with microcontroller using 8x8 matrix, or if you want to save port pins,you can try a keyboard encoder like 74c922 (supports upto 32 keys)

and for microcontroller, use whichever you are familiar with!

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