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cheap electronic compass

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Erm.. I contacted Digikey and it seems they ran out of these.. I wouldn't bet my hopes too high if I were you.
Inform us if you manage to buy it. You'd be doin' me a favor for that, man. :p


  • kmz51_compasssensor_circuit1_2104.gif
    8 KB · Views: 1,243
I contacted NXP (the company producing KMZ51/52) about the product and they replied:

NXP Semiconductors answer:

Thank You for Contacting NXP Semiconductors.

This part is being discontinued as of December 31 2009.
The last time buy date was June 30 2009.

Electronic Compass OSD


I am working on lightning research using a low light camera. We have a GPS that calculates UTC timing and embeds the timing on the video (OSD). In addition, I would like to add an electronic compass that I can add to the video using OSD to know the direction the camera is pointing.

Any recommendations?

Thank you,

Hi, welcome here.

Dinsmore makes 'em as well, since the KMZ51/52 is discontinued from production. Otherwise, Farnell/Digikey offers better ones at much higher prices. Anyway, start a new thread for your question next time... :)
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