Choosing Desired Robot Speed

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New Member
In the tutorial shown here, it shows how I can go from the robot motor factor and the robot weight to calculate the speed. However, I'm not sure what kind of speed would be considered fast typically for a robot. I'm trying to figure out the speed I want it to travel, and from that find a mechanical design/chassis kit that would allow me to achieve (or almost) the speed. It would be great to hear your suggestions. Thanks.
What is the size of the robot, what surface is it travelling over and what is it basically used for?
It would be an obstacle avoiding robot, travelling on glossed floor surface. Size of the robot can vary. I know that larger robots would likely be slower than smaller robots if the same motors were to be used.
100mm a second is a fairly typical speed to aim for, 200mm a second is getting a bit fast the robot may tend to smack into things at that speed.
Fair enough. I would be using that figure for starters when it comes to design from practical point of view.
I have one more question now that I'm trying to figure out more about the robot's motor factor. In your experience, typically what is a common figure for acceleration in terms of well-designed robot vehicles?
Look this is silly doing tit for tat one liners based on mystery questions.

If you state what size the robot is, what weight, power source, whether it uses RC servos or DC motors and/or wheel encoders, any other specs then people might be able to offer suggestions or point you at existing robots so you can see how others did it.
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