Chuck Norris Facts

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quixotron said:
Whats a 3rd Dan? I musta missed British Slang 101.

Well it's not British, but as you don't have your location filled in I presumed you must be British anyway?.
Nigel Goodwin said:
Well it's not British, but as you don't have your location filled in I presumed you must be British anyway?.
And why would you assume that? Is the UK the default location for this forum?
Roff said:
And why would you assume that? Is the UK the default location for this forum?

All you can do is assume the OP is in the same country as yourself, which is why it's important to fill your location in.

A while back it was hosted in the UK, checking just now it's hosted in the USA.
Nigel Goodwin said:
All you can do is assume the OP is in the same country as yourself, which is why it's important to fill your location in.

A while back it was hosted in the UK, checking just now it's hosted in the USA.

nahh.I'm a yankee doodle. i thought the default location was china or india but it turns out the brits and canadian beavers have them beat.
killivolt said:
So, how many here have martial arts training (how long are you still doing it ?)

I learned under this excellent SiFu: **broken link removed**

He has been featured in "Who's Who In Martial Arts" and has amazing abilities almost beyond belief - you'd have to witness it for yourself otherwise you'd say I was stretching the truth about him. Oddly enough he also holds a degree in Psychology, and is a CPA. He also drinks bourbon and smoke cigarettes- go figure!! I learned Drunken Monkey, and primarily Tiger, Crane, Praying Mantis (FuHok Tong Long). It's been years since I was active in the arts but I can still swing the "chucks", a Bo, and the Dao effectively. I also supplemented my training with "ballet" -- yes ballet- for balance and poise. No I didn't wear those silly slippers- we wore tennis shoes.
Nigel Goodwin said:
Considering Bruce Lee has been dead for decades, I suspect Chuck would have no problem kicking his ass!
I figured someone would reply in that manner! If Lee would've had a match against Norris back then, Norris would be putting ice on his nose and eyes and maybe his groin too.
quixotron said:
nahh.I'm a yankee doodle. i thought the default location was china or india but it turns out the brits and canadian beavers have them beat.

Good to see you have joined the party. You nonconformist shame on you.

Cool, I couldn't see anything from the Video's they want you to buy them.

Me too. Wing chung Kung fu. ( This was the first style that Bruce Lee studied. I was a member for 4 years and learn the first 2 out of three forms. It's all hand to hand combat training and could not be used at competition fighting. (Either to kill or maim.) The closest maybe would be Israeli combat training.

All though Chuck Norris is older I still believe he had it right just like bruce lee he alway's was looking for more. So, he went to brazil and seen a style there that he could not believe. It was then largely unknown, now you see it all the time in Ultimate Fighting Competitions.

(Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) (Grappling) In most fights non-competition it goes to that point between to evenly matched opponents both will attempt to over power the other. After that it is a matter of skill or strength.

When I was 18 I studied a style from a man who found himself on a program called (That's Incredible) where he caught arrows shot at him. The movie (Kung fu) was written after they learned of his story. He thought at time when the movie makers talking to him, said he would play the part ? Not

( We all know what happened.)

I could not find the episode of That's Incredible from the 70's However I thought this was cool ...... (**broken link removed**)
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HiTech said:
I also supplemented my training with "ballet" -- yes ballet- for balance and poise. No I didn't wear those silly slippers- we wore tennis shoes.

I've no problem with ballet, it's an excellent way to keep fit - I wouldn't do it, but I would be more than happy for any of my students to.

You should have worn the slippers though, it would have toughened your toes up!

Anyway, you rejected the slippers, what about the Tutu?.

Arent you brits in hunting foxes with bloodhounds on horseback while blowing trumpets or something? pip pip, TALLy HO!!!
quixotron said:
Arent you brits in hunting foxes with bloodhounds on horseback while blowing trumpets or something? pip pip, TALLy HO!!!

Not excluding the kung fu spins.
quixotron said:
Arent you brits in hunting foxes with bloodhounds on horseback while blowing trumpets or something? pip pip, TALLy HO!!!

It's now banned!

You've been watching too much 'Midsomer Murders' - which gives an incredibly false impression on England.
Nigel Goodwin said:
Anyway, you rejected the slippers, what about the Tutu?.
We wore silkscreened T-shirts of our kwoon, and either sweatpants or something similar and comfortable to move about in. Heck, even the girls in the class didn't wear TuTus!! It was tights and leotards for them and we guys never complained about their dress code!!

The only Tutu I know of is ArchBishop, Desmond Tutu!!
**broken link removed**
Kadochnikov's Systema (System) is truly brutal. It is the only system to date that focuses on true fighting. Systema is not a sport and does not compete in the world of "Martial Arts". The main goal of Systema is to teach you to survive in the most unexpected and highly inconvenient situations. Unlike Martial Arts, Systema is based on Mechanics and Physics. Enough said, visit the link below if you want to learn more bout Kadochnikov's Systema.

**broken link removed**
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Actually that is in fact what Wing chun was designed to do instead of animal movements it is more based on the way the human body moves. In addition the angles are also shortest distance to contact anything beyond that is waisted energy. All movements are designed as an attack it is both offensive as well as defensive. They say it is the old man style of fighting. You don't have to be young to use it. Spin kicks Etc. Not needed.
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Actually it looks very similar to Ju Jitsu (Gentle Art), which likewise isn't a sport.

I would also suggest that neither 'focus on true fighting', they are both about winning, and with the least amount of effort needed - I particularly liked the use of the spade, it's not something we happen to have at hand when training, but we use anything that is (tables, chairs, glasses, walls etc.).

I liked the 'poke in the eye' as well although I would have used two fingers, and taken both eyes - which is a technique I often teach, particularly to ladies with long finger nails
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