circuit for an ac dc regulator usin SCR

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New Member
hey frnds...i wanna design an ac/dc voltage regulator usin SCR,for my mini project work..i want a circuit diagram,with a simple explanation of how it works...i've been learnin about the properties of SCR would be helpful,if anyone provides me with the solution...ganiz
You need to give us more details.
What power?
3 phase or 1 phase?
What type of load, inductive?

but basicly for small power dont bother with SCR build a dc/dc converter or linear regulator
IMHO an SCR is not ideal for regulation, because turning it off quickly is more difficult than for other semiconductor devices. Any delay in turn-off is likely to result in output ripple / poor regulation.


sorry but i think your incorrect there. Thyristors can be used for phase control and then from rectifying this you get (poor) voltage regualtion.
" you get (poor) voltage regualtion"
That's precisely the point I was making: you can get regulation but it's less than ideal.

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