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circuit layout help?

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You guy are great, I really appreciate your time and effort. When it's all said and done, I might just be able to change my avatar.
> I am the source of the drawing, I drew it from this (see attached image),
> and it is as drawn, connected to pin 3.

No, the drawing is wrong as it shows a connection to pin 4 not pin 3 as
in the picture. So the circuit did work...
Hey micheal8,

Yes your are correct, guess I need to get my head out of my A#% the original drawing I posted is wrong, told you I was confused :), it was connect to pin 6 and 3 which are the normally open contacts and my drawing shows it connected to pin 6 and 4. My daddy all ways said "attention to detail" thanks for catching that, and yes the circuit was working before the relay took a crap.

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I will get back to it today when time permits, probabally P.M. latest.;)
BTW, both forms of schematic are used in conjunction with each other for trouble shooting, just that most find the actual sequence is easier to see follow in ladder version.
This I believe has it, unless you spot any error.
A couple of observations for future, it appears a little messy as for one, it is not good practice or recommended to switch the neutral side of a control circuit, all condition functions should be on the 'live' side.
Also not sure why both L1 & L2 were used for the control power. IOW the yellow should have been on the blue switched side.
I also assumed the terminal block was the Neutral.
NEMA symbols were used, in IEC it would appear different.
Both forms of the schematics are valid, the original and ladder are used in conjunction with each other.


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One other thing I meant to mention is that where a 3ph contactor is used, as it appears it was here, they often have aux contacts fitted, these are often used or preferred to using the main contacts.
Especially if a small fuse is used for the control circuit.
this is only single phase 220 volts ac system, the motor/pump being driven is a fractional hp Jacuzzi pump, and there is no middle set of contacts on the actual contactor, the contactor in the drawing is a 3 phase contactor, but it's just something I
copied and pasted for illustration purposes, but thanks that's good to know.

This I believe has it, unless you spot any error.

it's going to take me awhile just to get my head around your ladder drawing, me spotting any errors, that's funny.
I will try to plug this in to a simulator, once I find one that has all the necessary components, and I will let you know how that turns out.

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Thanks again and again for all the time and effort you guys have put into helping me with this, the latest rung
added to my ever growing list of Job requirements
Once you get the hang of ladder format it can make trouble shooting that much easier, as I said, with this one it is not a good first example due to the dual sided switching of relay/contactor coils etc.
The usual format is like as in post #4, the logic elements go from left to right and end up in an output or final result, e.g. coil, timer, contactor etc.
It is actually a form of Boolean logic. i.e. AND's, OR's, NAND's = OUT etc.
Referring to the Schneider book I emailed, it shows more such examples.

I have uploaded a edited version, there was a slight error between mine and your original, although the result is the same. (post#27).
I could also show a modern version using current wiring practice and it should be simpler to follow.
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