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Clark Zapper Help Please

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New Member
I'm novice in electronic devices.
I want to build this zapper for health.
I need help to design the circuit.
Can someone help me and post the circuit on this forum as a jpeg file.
I shall attach the scheme.
Thanks in advance.


  • ZapSchematic.gif
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U3 in the schematic has the exact same pinout as the 555 timer, if that is the case, then it will do nothing. You are better off making a DC to AC inverter and trying that instead.
U3 is a 555. It is made by Motorola (ON Semi or another of their new names today).
The voltage is much too low to zap you and the application has nothing to do with health.
It's alternative medicine machine, which will be obsolete, when Obama-Care (less) kicks in (2013, I think). It's not for zapping the patient, but parasites, we are all infested with, which is why we are in such poor health, and why we need insurance... Hospitals don't save lives, insurance companies do.

But seriously, alternative medicine works on faith. Stress does a lot of bad things to the body, if you relax, and feel good, you will have better health. Other than stress related, if you have an infection, you need medical treatment. Anyway, it's not an expensive, or complicated circuit, low voltage, and basically harmless, if used externally...
It' so interesting to me how these devices keep popping up over and over. To me, it's so obviously fake.

You would be better off taking a sugar pill, and just trying to believe it will cure you. You know, placebo effect?
Thank you for your fast answer.
I don't know I heard that 15 Hz applied to the body can help some illnesses.
Well people have SAID that. They've also said- sworn even- that metal-shavings and crystals mixed together constitute an "orgone buster" which deflects harmful chemtrails and makes you healthy again. Also, people have said various magical preparations buried under the front porch ward off evil magic.

It's a free country. People can say just about anything, eventually the true quacks lose their medical qualifications and may get busted for fraud. But, I can write a book right now saying I cured 100 people of HIV by shining laser pointers through crystals, complete with emotional quotes but no documentation, and I might be able to get it published and people will swear I'm an overlooked genius.

Hell, one guy sold an empty box with metal dowsing rods on them under the name ADE 651 (among other names) as a bomb detector. They took Iraq for $85M alone, over $100K per empty box. They actually had MANY people who swore it worked, but it's the ideomotor effect combined with fantasy and possibly kickbacks to the buying agent; obviously it can't detect anything the operator doesn't already know about.

Nope, this "electrotherapy" has never worked, and the whole principle is based on an absurdly oversimplified idea that health was some sort of field needing to be "stimulated".
The positive, is that it's a relatively cheap and easy project for a beginner to build. Good practice, but needs some flashing lights, or sounds. The Ionic Foot Bath seems to be the hottest trend lately. I saw it in action a few weeks ago, and couldn't believe how easily people believe in such things. The water turned a rust color, and the bather was amazed about feeling better already, from the first of 6, $30 treatments, which is the price of the machine... Did some research, which was kind of tough with Google, since the rating system, puts the most popular first, being the people either selling the machines, or feeling better from using it. Took a while to figure out how to ask.
Here is 555 circuit for a different type of zapper, the **broken link removed**. A 9V battery source tripled to 25V at 21khz will definitely do some bio damage. So if feeling tingley, and the smell of burning flesh is appealing, it will do that. This approach couldn't be much different then electrolysis.
Here is 555 circuit for a different type of zapper, the **broken link removed**. A 9V battery source tripled to 25V at 21khz will definitely do some bio damage. So if feeling tingley, and the smell of burning flesh is appealing, it will do that. This approach couldn't be much different then electrolysis.

I doubt it, 25V is pretty harmless and at 21kHz , you're not even going to feel it.
There are many "medical" quacks who are not even doctors. They make up stories and make simple circuits.
Why do people believe them??
I doubt it, 25V is pretty harmless and at 21kHz , you're not even going to feel it.

Built it and tried it, it will create a burning sensation over a period of time. Now as to its effectivness, that's another thing. Scarborough, Thomas. February 2005. "Wart Remover." Nuts and Volts Vol 26. No. 2
Built it and tried it, it will create a burning sensation over a period of time. Now as to its effectivness, that's another thing. Scarborough, Thomas. February 2005. "Wart Remover." Nuts and Volts Vol 26. No. 2

Well, I suppose you are injecting the power directly in to the skin so it's feasible but you normally can't even feel such low voltages.

There are better ways to remove warts, just use a salicylic acid based preparation to soften and remove it.
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Well, I suppose you are injecting the power directly in to the skin so it's feasible but you normally can't even feel such low voltages.

Yes, it has a needle probe that is soldered to the output.

There are better ways to remove warts, just use a salicylic acid based preparation to soften and remove it.

I tried that to no immediate effect. It may depend on the wart makeup, as I think there are many different types. The rather large 10mm (dry scaly type) did fall off, well over a year later. Due to the acid, zapper, or combo, who knows.
My father's trick to killing warts and the like:

BURNING them with a match!

Believe it or not, this works, and they NEVER come back. It does hurt rather bad though...
I've tried burning warts with a soldering iron and it doesn't work.

For me, the most effective cure is a salicylic acid based paint but it doesn't work immediately, you have to apply it once a day and cover it with a plaster for a up to a few months before the wart disappears.
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