Some of you guys don't want to expand your knowledge! Instead of learning a little about Geology, you ridicule what you don't know!
Thats sort of where many social and political problems come from. Many people may be otherwise smart, intelligent, and clear headed thinkers in most of their daily activities but unfortunately they also have that side of them that leans heavily on what would almost be a religious level of belief when it comes to what they dont understand.
To a skeptic or open minded person things they dont understand are taken with a intelligent and thoughtful approach of study, learn, understand, and repeat if needed.
For the faith believer however seem to feel they can safely take the blind eye deaf ear and dumb as a rock approach of not doing any of these actions but rather place everything in blind faith based on nonsense and unprovable and even more often far imagined ideas based on limited or greatly exaggerated knowledge and false conclusions.
To the logical mind everything has to have a reason, method, and provable facts to back it up.
To the faith believer the evidence is all around them but can not and will not be questioned or proven until its time is right which by then is usually so long after the event they cant prove they where ever right or wrong therefore they must have been right any way.
I go to war with you because my god said I would win. But wait, Your god said to go to war with me because you will win.
Thats gets even more puzzling when it comes down to the fact both of us follow the same god. Now what?
For the faith believer he already knows his side will win regardless of the actual ending or personal outcome.
The wise and intelligent person already knows who wins in war and he knows full well god had nothing to do with either side.