Clock Duplex Help

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New Member
So as a side project or i should say my first project was way over my head at the time i tore apart an old digital clock with an lm8560 i have the original board and duplex display but i finally got fed up with trying to figure out which pins on the display lead to the lights so i did what anyone would do take it apart slowly.

surprised i found nothing more than a printed circuit and gold pads Luckily i found out that there were small wires for the light... i never seen this before i didn't break them but i took a picture and promptly and carefully replaced the segmented cover.

im finding it hard to learn how to route the proper leads on the display that lead to the segments.

What kind of display is it and can someone maybe label it for me thank you.

pictures can be found here Picasa Web Albums - M C - lm8560 clock ...
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