CM8880/MT8880 transceiver

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New Member
Hello everyone ,

I don't know how to interface CM8880 with a PIC16F84A . I don't understand parallax dialect from CM8880 pdf and I don't know if I 'translated' it corectly in MPASM dialect.
I wrote this, but I dont know if it is good.
I hope someone can help me


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This is the schematic diagram for my project > As you can see, I know how to hardware interface a PIC16F84A and a MT8880. . My questions refeer to software interface. I don't know if my code is correct. Please someone help me.
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hello sharma. if you find a response in to another place, plz tell me . I will do the same thing for you if I will find a response . Until then, we must wait...

What exactly is your problem? Have you actually built the circuit?
If you have have you tried your code and found a specific problem?
I think you have had no answers because you have not asked a specific question, try your code and if it does not work then tell us what it is or is not doing.
I haven't looked much at your code, but I noticed on your schematic that you've left the MCLR pin of the PIC floating. You need to tie it to Vdd with a 10K resistor or erratic operation will result.
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