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Code Snippets

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Well-Known Member
This thread will deal with code snippets for the Oshonsoft Basic Compiler and is a normal thread for members to add code snippets and other members are free to ask questions. When a member puts code snippets in this thread I can move them into the sticky which is locked to prevent unneeded posts not directly dealing with snippets.

To convert a binary value from 0x001 to 0x270f to 0001 to 9999 decimal

Dim ascbfr3 As Byte  'used in convert routing
Dim ascbfr2 As Byte  'used in convert routing
Dim ascbfr1 As Byte  'used in convert routine
Dim ascbfr0 As Byte  'used in convert routine

binval = volts 
Gosub bin2asc

ascbfr3 = binval / 1000
temp3 = binval Mod 1000
ascbfr2 = temp3 / 100
temp3 = temp3 Mod 100
ascbfr1 = temp3 / 10
ascbfr0 = temp3 Mod 10
'results are BCD so
'convert to ASCII for LCD
ascbfr3 = ascbfr3 Or 0x30
ascbfr2 = ascbfr2 Or 0x30
ascbfr1 = ascbfr1 Or 0x30
ascbfr0 = ascbfr0 Or 0

' and to show on a lcd after it is set up

Lcdout "Volts:", ascbfr3, ascbfr2, ".", ascbfr1, ascbfr0

'this will put a decimal point in and the example shows a voltage reading to 2 decimal places

Regards Bryan
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This thread will deal with code snippets for the Oshonsoft Basic Complier

To convert a binary value from 0x001 to 0x270f to 0001 to 9999 decimal

Dim ascbfr3 As Byte  'used in convert routing
Dim ascbfr2 As Byte  'used in convert routing
Dim ascbfr1 As Byte  'used in convert routine
Dim ascbfr0 As Byte  'used in convert routine

binval = volts 
Gosub bin2asc

ascbfr3 = binval / 1000
temp3 = binval Mod 1000
ascbfr2 = temp3 / 100
temp3 = temp3 Mod 100
ascbfr1 = temp3 / 10
ascbfr0 = temp3 Mod 10
'results are BCD so
'convert to ASCII for LCD
ascbfr3 = ascbfr3 Or 0x30
ascbfr2 = ascbfr2 Or 0x30
ascbfr1 = ascbfr1 Or 0x30
ascbfr0 = ascbfr0 Or 0

' and to show on a lcd after it is set up

Lcdout "Volts:", ascbfr3, ascbfr2, ".", ascbfr1, ascbfr0

'this will put a decimal point in and the example shows a voltage reading to 2 decimal places
Feel free to add code snippets to this sticky so new members can learn.

Regards Bryan
what is
binval = volts
for ?
hi TT,
binval is short for 'binary value', its the variable name thats use in the binary to ASCII conversion.

So let binval = volts and then call the bin2asc subroutine.

Ok guys lets make a new rule for this sticky for code snippets, only post in here if you are putting in code snippets or the sticky will just become a normal thread and that isn't the point of it.

Regards Bryan
a simple count operation code
Define ADC_CLOCK = 3  'default value is 3
Define ADC_SAMPLEUS = 10  'default value is 20
Define LCD_BITS = 4  'allowed values are 4 and 8 - the number of data
Define LCD_DBIT = 0  '0 or 4 for 4-bit interface, ignored for 8-bit
Define LCD_RSBIT = 1
Define LCD_EBIT = 3
Define LCD_RWREG = PORTC  'set to 0 if not used, 0 is default
Define LCD_RWBIT = 2  'set to 0 if not used, 0 is default

Dim adc1 As Word
Dim adc2 As Word
Dim total As Word

TRISB = %11110000
TRISA = %11111111

ADCON0 = 0xc0  'set A/D conversion clock to internal source
ADCON1 = 1  'set PORTA pins as analog inputs
High ADCON0.ADON  'turn on A/D converter module

	Adcin 0, adc1
	Adcin 1, adc2
	total = adc1 + adc2
	Lcdcmdout LcdClear
	Lcdout #total
	WaitMs 1
	Goto loop
the code will totalize the output of AN0 and AN1

take a try :)
Conversion Routines

Simple conversion subroutines.
Useful for manipulating DS1307 RTC i/o values.

dim temp1 as byte
dim ascbfr0 as byte
dim ascbfr1 as byte
dim units as byte
dim tens as byte


'convert RTC packed bcd to a bin number for inc/dec usage
'enter with temp1 holding the packed BCD byte
'exit with temp1 holding the binary byte
units = temp1 And 0x0f
tens = temp1 And 0xf0
tens = ShiftRight(tens, 4)
tens = tens * 10
temp1 = tens + units


'convert the bin number to packed bcd for RTC write
'enter with temp1 holding the binary byte
'exit with temp1 holding the packed BCD byte
'also ascbfr1,ascbfr0 hold the ASCII value
tens = temp1 / 10
units = temp1 Mod 10
ascbfr1 = tens Or 0x30
ascbfr0 = units Or 0x30
tens = ShiftLeft(tens, 4)
temp1 = tens Or units


'convert packed bcd i/o to ascii for lcd
'enter with the packed BCD byte in temp1
'on exit ascbfr1 and ascbfr0 hold the ASCII numbers
ASM:        movf temp1,w
ASM:        andlw 0x0f
ASM:        iorlw 0x30
ASM:        movwf ascbfr0
ASM:        movf temp1,w
ASM:        swapf temp1,w
ASM:        andlw 0x0f
ASM:        iorlw 0x30
ASM:        movwf ascbfr1


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Basic Bit String Output

'Demo using Oshonsoft Basic for sending bit serial data from PIC to PIC
'the receiving PIC could use, On PORTB.0 change interrupt to sense the clock
'and another PIC pin to to test the incoming data pin.
'Also useful for serial loading of external shift registers


'select the PIC pins
Config PORTA.0 = Output 'set up port a.1 as an clock
Config PORTA.1 = Output 'set up port a.1 as an output

Symbol clk = PORTA.0
Symbol dta = PORTA.1

Dim bt As Byte
Dim mydata(4) As Word

mydata(0) = 0 'Dummy test data
mydata(1) = %0000000101010101 'Dummy test data
mydata(2) = %1010101011101111 'Dummy test data
mydata(3) = %0000001100110011 'Dummy test data
mydata(4) = %0000000011001100 'Dummy test data

'change the (x) to show different WORD patterns
'use the Sim Scope set for Display for Normal, use Zoom
'select PORT pins on scope to suit
mydata = mydata(2)

'or use a WORD value
''mydata = 0x80ff

Gosub xmitdata


dta = mydata.15 '1st msb bit
WaitUs 1
clk = 1
clk = 0

For bt = 0 To 14 '15 bits to follow
mydata = ShiftLeft(mydata, 1)
dta = mydata.15
WaitUs 1
clk = 1
clk = 0
Next bt
dta = 0


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