Code works on simulator but not on real PIC

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I've been fiddeling around with Nigel's LCD tutorial and got it going on Oshonshoft's simulator as well as on a real PIC. (with a 1x16 LCD)

I've now changed the PIC to a 16f877 and the LCD works on the simulator - it prints out the word "Testing". I've setup a loop so that it only displays the 1st line from the code.

If I program the PIC now however, it only prints out "esting" - missing the "T"

I thought it might be a delay problem but I've tried messing around with various values - no joy.

Can anyone offer any suggestions. I've posted the code I'm using.


  • lcd.asm
    4.8 KB · Views: 158
You aren't going through the proper initialisation sequence. See the attached for details.

Last edited:
Thanks - nice flowchart. I'll relook at my code tonight and compare it to the chart.

I'll post the results.
gregmcc said:
    __CONFIG 0x3F7D

The Watch Dog Timer is enabled.
Personally I like using the config labels, that make your code more readable by others (as far as the configuration fuses are concerned).
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