Codec pairs 145026-145027 again!

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New Member
Hi everyone,

I've been working on a simple remote controller, and for that purpose, I'm using the codec pair 145026/27.

Previously when I was using these IC's I used them for data that's not changing so quickly (turn on/ turn off sort of thing) and it was completely flawless.

However, when I'm changing the address of each four bits of data quickly, I'm receiving the last transmitted data and it is not updated eventhough I'm changing the address!!, now why is that?

I'd greatly appreciate any advice from people who have experience with these IC's and what kind of algorithm they're using for the PIC program.

thx very much in advance,

Hi there,

Of course it's pretty easy but I used them once and they proved to be successful and now I'm wondering what's the problem, and as I said before when I'm changing the address and sending a new set of data the receiver IC is just receiving the last set of four bits although I'm provoking the new address.

thx in advance,
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