Coil Gun Build (ADVICE)

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New Member
I’m planning on building a small portable coil gun (Packed inside a pellet gun) powered by a bunch of crappy little 330v 120uf photoflash capacitors, and I’m looking for someone advice so I don’t blow my self up .

My power source is going to be a bunch of AA batteries, or (2) 6v, or a 12v if I can find a small lightweight one that is rechargeable (I also want to be able use a 18.5V laptop power source and just plug my gun up via the wall so I don’t blow a ton of money on batteries) Anyways either the batteries or the laptop charger will plug into an inverter that I kinda stole from my moms car, she thought it was broken but it was just a blown fuse. This is the inverter ( Input: 10.7-15.5vdc 70watts – Output 110/120vac. Then I want to use a voltage multiplier to increase the 120vac to 280-330v dc using a rectifier after to charge the caps. Also, I was planning on running a small fan to keep everything cool inside my gun enclosure.

My questions are:

1. Will this even work?
2. Which is the best method for powering up the gun AA’s, 6v’s or a 12v? and will the inverter drain to much out of the batteries?
3. Can I use a voltage multiplier to increase the 120vac? and how? Or should I step the voltage up with a transformer?
4. Can I use a rectifier to change the AC to dc at that high of a voltage?
5. Can I separate some of the output voltage of the inverter to power some of the output voltage of the inverter to power my fan, and maybe an optical trigger device for a second stage?

I’m not that experienced in electronics as you can tell, and I know this is a dangerous build . But any help would be greatly appreciated, I absolutely love how coil guns work and I’m determined to build one Sooo please help me!!!
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No you need to make a charge pump like in the photoflash. The inverter will not work it will waste to much energy.
Can I separate some of the output voltage of the inverter to power some of the output voltage of the inverter
Alright well looks like I need to learn alot more before i start this project.. but thanks for the help 4pyros, about that question i dont know what the hell i was thinking haha. What I ment was that I wanted to pretty much use some of the output Vac and make a seperate little deal where i could hook a fan up so that all the stuff in my gun wouldnt overheat..

So i should ditch the inverter, use a transformer to kick up the voltage then use a charge pump to charge the caps? Am i sort of on the right trackk?
Just use a charge pump from the batterys, just like a photoflash would. Air cool your parts. A fan would use a lot of power to.
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