cold water

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Hyponatremia is not synonomous with hyperhydration (water intoxication). Neither will occur in "otherwise healthy individuals" with a healthy diet and proper physical exercise. There is no reason for teenagers or adults to be concerned at all about drinking two litres of water everyday, and a whole host of reasons for why they should (especially as an alternative to injesting other fluids).

No one suggested that drinking 2 liters of water a day would lead to water intoxication or hyponatremia in an otherwise healthy individual. However, in your previous post you describe water intoxication as being "all bogus." It is not.

How about providing some literature citations to support your definitions and propositions.

How about providing some literature citations to support your definitions and propositions.
Wiki it. That's more substantial than your citations, which by the very title of the first one should've clued you in to the bogus nature of "water intoxication." While you're looking things up, look up toxicity. The worst thing you can say about water is that it's harmful to humans if they try to forcefully displace their normal body parts with copious amounts of water. That says nothing - you could use less of any other substance in the universe and still achieve "toxic" results.

jpanhalt said:
No one suggested that drinking 2 liters of water a day would lead to water intoxication... an otherwise healthy individual.
You did:
jpanhalt said:
Water intoxication.. ....can occur in otherwise healthy individuals.
because healthy individuals drink two litres of water a day.
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Hank Fletcher said:
because healthy individuals drink two litres of water a day.
BOdy mass dependent, of course. BUt some people will try and drink as much water as I can during the day thinking it is healthy. Whether or not this classifies them as a health individual doesn't change the fact they think it's healthy so they try and do it.

I've done it by accident a few times before, especially when I have had hiccups or a dry throat at work. Ended up in me getting sick.

Loss is both body mass and body area dependent. The smaller the person is, the larger the area to mass ratio. Thus, they can actually tolerate and need proportionately more water than a larger individual. Dehydration from water loss through the skin and lungs is a major consideration in tiny infants and occurs quite commonly when they have a fever, which is one reason physicians will always tell parents of feverish children to keep then hydrated.

With normal kidney function, I would not worry about drinking too much water as long as the intake is within the realm of common sense. Intake in the psychiatric cases and during water-drinking contests would not pass the test of what seems normal. John
hi Hank,

>>. There is no reason for teenagers or adults to be concerned at all about drinking two litres of water everyday, and a whole host of reasons for why they should (especially as an alternative to injesting other fluids).

There was a recent TV program that investigated the drinking of 2 litres of water per day 'myth'.
The research paper was done in the 1950's, it showed that the most humans require about 2 litres of water per day, BUT it clearly stated that the majority of the 2 litres of water would come from the food and fluids we ingest.

For some reason the last part of the test results were ignored by the media.
Basically if you eat a normal/regular diet you will get the required 2 litres of water from the food/liquids you eat/drink.

I would agree that a nice drink of fresh water is very refreshing, including the water down the 'Speed Well' caves. [Nigels?].
ericgibbs said:
I would agree that a nice drink of fresh water is very refreshing, including the water down the 'Speed Well' caves. [Nigels?].

Speedwell is a showcave - this particualr incident was down 'Giants Hole' - only a couple of miles away though.
Nigel Goodwin said:
Speedwell is a showcave - this particualr incident was down 'Giants Hole' - only a couple of miles away though.

Spent many happy days groping thru pot holes and caves around the Peak district, especially Castleton. Remember the Blue John mines near Winnats Pass.?
Ahhh, the good old days!.
ericgibbs said:
Spent many happy days groping thru pot holes and caves around the Peak district, especially Castleton. Remember the Blue John mines near Winnats Pass.?
Ahhh, the good old days!.

Yes, the only place in the world where Blue John is found!.
ohh geez, that's so nasty. NOT, just think about all the fish poo and pee, chlorine, rust, corrosion, sludge, algae, pipe glue residue, acid core solder. This ain't a perfect world, especially as much humans have **** up the clean salt free water supplies. If the reporters are so concerned about what they're drinking why don't they even take concern about the condition of the ice/water/soda in general, especially soda from soda dispenser in a fast food restaurant. If anyone has ever had to clean one of them, then you would know all too well how "nasty" they are. Face it people we live in a unperfect world human civilization has already managed to screw up everything. We gotta die someday, so keep on drinkin those bacterias!
I was surfing the web and found a pic of crusty

**broken link removed**

For those of you that live near swamps, does the water ever turn tomato juice red? Every summer, mine turns that color
Krumlink said:
I was surfing the web and found a pic of crusty

**broken link removed**

For those of you that live near swamps, does the water ever turn tomato juice red? Every summer, mine turns that color
that's algae bloom, toxic stuff especially in large quantities, not good for humans, or fish, much less anything else living out of the water source. Most of it is due to human waste, septic tanks, fertilizers(especially), p00p, just general human intervention, not to mention humans don't like natural vegetation(weeds) growing around them, so we hack it, spread weed killer, poison, transplant foreign grass, keep it constantly trimmed, and destroy any large quantities of insects or animals that surround us. Gotta love the human race!
Hank Fletcher said:
I have this problem, too - due to an illness that I had when I was young, my teeth developed with thinner than usual enamel. Naturally white teeth, but very susceptible to cavities and temperature, sweetness, etc.
The funny thing is that my teeth are alright, I've never had to had any work done apart from when one of my front teeth which got chiped when my brother pushed me in to a glass windowes door.

I use Sensodyne too but it's not worked that well for me, my teeth are still a bit sensitive to cold.
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