collsion detection system

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urvi patel

New Member
I am doing a project on collision detection between two objects.
I am using pic microcontroller,ultrasonic sensor for it.
can u please get me the circuit diagram for it..
i am connectiong pic controller to a booster signal- ultasonic transmitter-object-ultra sonic receicer-pulse amplifier-clamping circuit-microcontroller.
this is about my block diagam please help me out to get the circuit diagram
hi sir,
This is my circuit for collsion detection..Plz help me to get the circuit diagram to design on PCB..Which controller may be better to use


  • circuit.doc
    41.5 KB · Views: 148
It appears that you have a block diagram for a ranging system. It has nothing to do with collision detection (unless of course the range changes to zero which is not possible with this system without some degree of uncertainty). I am guessing that you are not trying to detect a collision but are trying to avoid one.

You provide no specifications yet want a complete solution. Sorry but you still need to do some work before anyone can assist you with your questions. Please give details and be specific.

Try doing a search and letting us know specifically where you get stuck on your solution. There are lots of ultrasonic ranging circuits available on the web.
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hi sir,
i am actually not detecting it but avoiding it and i am using ultrasonic distance measurement sensor to this..i have a condition that i have to give a signal when to objects are 1.5 m away and stop it when the distance is too low.. its that diagram works for this..

hello sir,
I thought of using PIC16f877 controller and SRF04 ultra sonic sensor..and LED to display distance..whether the controller i am using works ..plz suggest me about the componets too ,which to prefer.
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