Color LCD

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New Member
hi every one
i have an old DVD player with lcd srceen 8".
the player diden't work eny more so i try to use the old lcd as monitor
but the big problem is :
i want an adapter from VGA or the pinout of the lcd to build a driver
so if eny one can help me ......
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Well, we should be able to handle that since you went out of your way to provide us with that incredibly detailed technical observation that the monitor is, in fact, an 8" monitor.

Perhaps you should rest up from the amazing effort you put into this so far.

A bit over the top.

It may not be a lack of effort but rather that GeorgeM does not understand the technical detail required.
the 8" players are usually something like this analog TFT. you are looking at some fancy analog to make that into a monitor, soldering to a 0.5MM pitch connector, and then you will might have limited capability, since these older ones are 480x234 pixels.

I suspect that is not what you expect to get.

you really need to look the LCD data sheet up yourself and U/L it to get any help from anyone since they have no idea what you need, only what you want.



  • A085FW01V4 070313.pdf
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A bit over the top.

It may not be a lack of effort but rather that GeorgeM does not understand the technical detail required.

My apologies, George.

There are lots of different 8" LCD displays, and different interfaces.

You need to open it up, get some numbers off it, type those numbers into Google. Not all of them will work, maybe none of them will. With some luck, you will find a link to a spec sheet that will describe what sort of interface it uses.

At that point, you plug the name of that interface +VGA into the search engine and start looking for boards that convert from one to the other.

Or, there might already actually even be one in there. Can't tell until you do more than observe the diagonal measurement.
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