compaq presario v4000 keyboard controller chip

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New Member
hi there

I have got compaq presario v4000. my keyboard is not working. I tried to replace the keyboard from another v4000 but same result. the keyboard connector looks fine. I think it is keyboard controller chip which is bad, but I can not locate it on the motherboard. it might be max1907 or max1999. can someone confirm the CHIP PLZ? and also the location?
Ahh, didn't realise it was a laptop. I have a presario that is a desktop and so assumed it was the same.

well I can use usb keyboard, but that is just for the sake of curiousity, I wanna know what might be the possible reason that made the keyboard not working. well obviously that is why I joined this forum. well I have got rework system so I can try to delsold the chip and mount it back but all I wanna know the location and name of the chip that controls the keyboard. any help or suggestion?
Laptop mainboards are not designed for repair. The parts are often taylor made and repair attempts can make things worse.
As for why the keyboard broke well things break that's life.
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