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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Competition #3: Best 555 Timer Project

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Hello everyone..

The date for submitting entries has now passed!! We have a total of 6 entries which is really great. It will take some time to process them however I am starting it now and will have an update in the next day or two.

I will update the thread when I have completed this. :)
cant wait to see it
since i was the most often that online on this forum :D:D
**broken link removed**
That's not it. It means the most users ever online was 2027 users on 22 March 2010.. And the list at the bottom are the registered users that are currently online in this forum. Your user name will always be at the first one, I see mine to be first here.. :)
Psst, he knows. He's trying for an in!
You were but one of many that day! But you were there, that is half the battle.

We need the Jeopardy tune playing in the background.
Hi Guys!!! Exciting times :) the competition entries from the 6 contestants have been posted. These are now available to view however, the winners have not been marked. The winners will be announced within 48 hours. Enjoy the suspense ;)

Listed in alphabetical order:

555 Bistable Multivibrator - Submitted by QuietMan
ADC Using 555 Timer - Delta Modulator - Submitted by bananasiong
Canaria Furioso (Canary Simulator) - Submitted by Boncuk
DVR IR Motion Trigger - Submitted by BrownOut
Solar Powered Night LED’s - Submitted by k7elp60
TimerBot Project - Submitted by Mikebits

I will update this thread with the official winners when they have been decided by the moderators.
Hi guys,

It happened for me too a moment ago. Then I removed electro-tech-online cookies from Firefox and I can see all the entries now :D
Great work everbody :)
Weird weird weird..
I'm able to view all after removing the cookies and logout. After logging in back I can't see them anymore but the first one..
Weird weird weird..
I'm able to view all after removing the cookies and logout. After logging in back I can't see them anymore but the first one..

Just done the same actions, had to relog in, no 555 entries viewable.
I hate being a whiner, but my article seems to run off the left side of the page, and is unreadable.
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I hate being a whiner, but my article seems to run off the left side of the page, and is unreadable.

hi D,
I can read the text OK, but the diagram is cropped on the right side.


  • AAesp02.gif
    33.4 KB · Views: 447
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I hate being a whiner, but my article seems to run off the left side of the page, and is unreadable.

If you go to the circuits tab and click on the Pencil icon for your article, I think you can edit your image. Perhaps re-size and upload a new image. Just a thought.
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