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compiler for c

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but i wonder, how does it know which variable to use (int,int,int,int) <--these values go in to CSA,SECTOR,BLOCK,PAGE, but how does it know to go to the right variable?

That is why I prefer to use the method I described earlier to set up and call the functions. It is much easier to understand. Your prototype would set up the value types and the code for that function in the prototype. That way, when you're in main and want to call the function, you only need to type the function name and put in the right values. I.E. int myFunction(int, int, int, int), and call it later by saying myFunction(CSA,SECTOR,BLOCK,PAGE); That way, you can pass the variables up into the function, and have it execute the code up there, and then come back down to main.
ya, just another learning curve, the code is coming together nicely though, and ima bracket everything just to be safe,

actually idk if it matters but that error didnt show till i got up to line 600something, AND im sure i will pick this all up, but just my "c for dummies" didnt get in to the ports and stuff, and iv never seen: "|" that line thingy on the keyboard before!, at first i actually had to punch it off of the ascii chart!!, also i kno this code is flawed; because im importing it from basic; first a crude translation, then ima smooth out the buggs.

I do need to admit this is over my head, in fact iv never seen a RGB cube with my features(not that there isnt), i was this" close to finishing in basic, but im loosing whole pages in my serial comm, and i cant find prob(nor doogle) and i cant track the variables, im hoping that since c is more robust in adjusting details, plus this step-by-step debugging, wwaayyy betterrrrr, GCGB was trial and error the whole way, getting to the code i have now. sometimes taking 2 minutes to compile,.

BESIDES I have such amazing profs in here, better than any school, and full confidence, I graduated as an Electronics Technician @ george brown and came out wondering *** id ever do with a transistor. since last year(maybe 2or3) when you guys showed me what a uC was it opened soo many doors for me, and circuit designs became wayyy simpler too~!, a million times i would like to thank you all once again, I may never do this professionally, but at least i can,

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ACK! so it seems to be coming together nicely already the registers and multiplex is running great! HOWEVER while using the breakpoints, i seem to have somehow set an advanced breakpoint on a line but now i cant find how to delete it? (not those red dots)

NM i got it, it went away just as mysteriously as it appeared?>!
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ACK! so it seems to be coming together nicely already the registers and multiplex is running great! HOWEVER while using the breakpoints, i seem to have somehow set an advanced breakpoint on a line but now i cant find how to delete it? (not those red dots)

NM i got it, it went away just as mysteriously as it appeared?>!

It sounds like you just set a breakpoint that couldn't be resolved. This usually happens if you put it on a bracket or empty line. Breakpoints must be set on lines that actually have executable instructions. If the breakpoint on your code showed up as only the red outline, that's probably what it was. To get rid of them, just double-click in the line it's set on. This is how you remove breakpoints.

ya, iv seen those! it wasnt that thou, it was listed under: ADV B, right next to the "reestablish pickit" and "read eeprom" buttons, but i couldn't delete it there, and it was not showing anything(dots) on the line breaking...
anyway it resolved with a software reset,

BUT NOW i think i am having problems with the clock timing everything is running very slow(in fast play(not stepmode) and in program mode) although i have set up my clk to INTIO67(properly) i think i need to include the clock speed(8Mhz), I am reading around, but there is not much, I also referred to my datasheet and it says it should default to the 8Mhz, it also says something about:
but it is not recognized when i put it in (my main, or in #pragma)
I am reading around, but there is not much, I also referred to my datasheet and it says it should default to the 8Mhz, it also says something about:
but it is not recognized when i put it in (my main, or in #pragma)
These are OSCON register bits. Set them as you would any bits in any register using your compiler.

You always need to refer to the data sheet to see what bits to set then look at the processor header file to see what names to use when setting them.
In C18

OSCON = x111xxxx;
where x's are set to required values.
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OSCON np/ there it is, this is sooo cool going over this sheet im starting to see the LATABITS and such and how all the bits fit, so
OSCCON = 01111111;
that speeds it up a bit but it is still 100x slower than it was in cow@8mhz?

but something about the clock again, OSC=INTI067; RIGHT? but the datasheet says something about either INT01 or INTO2, but INTIO67 is the one that works? datasheet just calls it register 1H,
HMM well it is working, and i can see the speed changes when i change it up, but even with OSCON at 0111xxxx, i am still getting a substantial lag, is there maybe something else im overlooking,?? ID swear its only running at 32khz

also i think it says that with OSCCON @ 01111001 will enable the pll and boost it up to 32MHz, that would be cool to do that...
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thats how i had it originally, i just read that the last bits need to be 1000 or 1001 to use the f-devider

both do the same though, also am i suppost to use 0b before the OSCON value since it binary?

I have a feeling that its my main clock config, how do i specify a clock speed? is there an instruction to make sure its at 8 MHZ
yes 0b for binary

I am not sure which chip you are using but it may look like this

0bxxxxxxx1x will set the system to use the internal clock
0bx111xxxx will set the freq selector (mux) to use 8MHz

0b01110010 setting all the x's to zero

This value along with the INTIO67 in the #pragma config should give you 8 MHz

maybe time to post your current code.
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um,k, but first pls be aware that alot of the subs in there are still mostly inactive, the main ones i am using are:


now there is a bigger loop in shiftout but that is why i need the fast clk, to keep the output rotation fast enough to blend the LED array, and the always true if statement is just a bypass bit so its not reading the eeprom

but the whole thing seems to be working fine besides the speed of it all, usually it can go fast enough, so that there is only a trace of a weak flikker, but now you really see the phase loops, id say on a factor of 10x - 100x


  • first1.c
    13.8 KB · Views: 383
Looks like it should run at 8MHz to me too.

I just checked a project I did that ran at 32MHz and this is the relevant bit,
#pragma config WDT = OFF, LVP = OFF, OSC = INTIO67

void main(void){
unsigned char i,Buffer[20];
    OSCCON=0x70;            //8MHz please
    OSCTUNEbits.PLLEN=1;    //*4 = 32MHz
    ADCON1=0x07;            //no ADC

Note, bit 1 of OSCCON doesn't need to be set.

excelent, that worked good, except i deleted:unsigned char i,Buffer[20];

but who cares, it works!!!
thnx again guys for all the paitence, but now i am having problems reading ports, i set it up in TRIS

TRISB = 0b01000101; // B0 B2 AND B6 ARE INPUTS

if (LATDATA = 1) {INVALU = 3;}

but invalu always = 3, however i have the port shorted to ground! (or vcc, doesnt change to value), i have also tried LATBbits.LATB2
thnx again guys for all the paitence, but now i am having problems reading ports, i set it up in TRIS

TRISB = 0b01000101; // B0 B2 AND B6 ARE INPUTS

if (LATDATA = 1) {INVALU = 3;}

but invalu always = 3, however i have the port shorted to ground! (or vcc, doesnt change to value), i have also tried LATBbits.LATB2

To start with you have mixed up = (the assignment operator) and == (the comparison for equality).
ah yes there we go, but i dont get it, i shouldnt need == if all my values are integers(int)?

OOOH... comparison
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ah yes there we go, but i dont get it, i shouldnt need == if all my values are integers(int)?

OOOH... comparison

Not sure if that last line means you understand, so I'm just going to specify. You can set bits and variables using '=', but if you want to compare values you have to use '=='.
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