Compiling and Building Problem .Hex And .rom error Please Help me


New Member
Hello I work at a electronic company.I copied some code projects on network to my desktop.I can't compile all code and building.How can i my problem


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Check that there are not old output files, that are read-only?
(Or the target directory is read-only or owned by a different user).

That's possible if the whole directory was copied from a different machine.
Check that there are not old output files, that are read-only?
(Or the target directory is read-only or owned by a different user).

That's possible if the whole directory was copied from a different machine.
How can learn this situation.How i can learn read-only selection?
I copied old programs to desktop.I can compile and build it at now.But İf I copy a new code to a folder,I can not compile and build it.
Unless it's an existing project with exactly the same file & directory locations, the easiest way is to create a new project first, create each file using the file menu so it is part of that project, then copy the content of the old file to it.

Other than that you will have to edit the project content and settings and check or correct every file location.
"Other than that you will have to edit the project content and settings and check or correct every file location."
I think that my problem is here but i dont know how to solve it.
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