completing circuit with people

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New Member
I am relatively inexperienced with electronics and am looking at creating a project that has a human complete a circuit through touch, with the current running through them.

ideally i would have two people touching each other whilst touching separate parts of the circuit to complete it. so the current runs through them both.

is this feasible?

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Not to my knowledge. Current running through people tends to kill them.

However, it is totally possible to build a circuit that requires two buttons or touch sensors that are far enough apart that two people must be used to activate both (like the dual key turning thing for nukes).
Get a multimeter. Switch it to HIGH OHMs. Get one person to touch one probe. Get the other person to touch the other probe. Now hold hands and see the needle move.
Seems like some of the "conductive" touch switch circuits with CMOS inputs should work. Or something like this: Circuit - FINGER TOUCH ACTIVATED SWITCH - Circuits designed by David A. Johnson, P.E.


hi Ken,
As you say there are number of 'touch circuits' on the web and datasheets.

I have to smile when looking at that link circuit,, 'all rights reserved' that circuits been around the block thousands of times since fets were first released.

This image is another option:


  • esp01 Mar. 10.gif
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